Concepts for Teaching Speaking in L2 Language Classroom

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  Abstract:Teachers may be presenting various speaking activities in the classroom,while such activities may amount to ‘doing speaking’ rather than ‘teaching speaking’.This article reviews some important concepts for teaching speaking from a theoretical perspective,including the direct and indirect approach,discourse analysis and intercultural considerations,based on which teachers can plan tasks and activities that address methods of teaching speaking so as to scaffold students’ learning.
  Key Words:Speaking;discourse;cooperative principle;intercultural
  While teachers may be presenting various speaking activities in the classroom,such activities may amount to ‘doing speaking’ rather than ‘teaching speaking’.According to Nunan(1989),two major currents have aroused debates on the teaching of oral skills:the first is on the development for accurate production of forms while the second focuses on achieving fluency through communication.Accuracy practice focuses on the language elements,such as phonology,grammar,structure and discourse;while fluency focuses much on learners’ using new items in more natural communications(Brown,2000).In order to acquire accuracy and fluency in L2 language teaching,teachers need to have a comprehensive consideration of come key concepts regarding teaching speaking.
  Direct & Indirect approach
  Two major approaches categorized as ‘direct’ and ‘indirect’ relate to the approaches and activities supporting the development of oral skills.Direct approach,focusing on form,deals with specific elements of communicative ability;while indirect approach,emphasizing use,focuses on tasks that mediate through language,negotiation and the sharing of information to enhance learner autonomy(Burns,1998).According to direct approach,teachers might include pattern drills in the speaking classroom to develop enabling skills that can further develop students’ awareness.In indirect approach,some “real-life”(Nunan,1989)activities might be practiced in speaking classroom,such as discussion and role play.
  Discourse perspective
  Although these two approaches constitute a conceptual map,more extensive researches have been carried out to view the teaching of speaking from a discourse perspective.Some work examines the implementation of speaking tasks in terms of fluency,and accuracy.Pre-task planning would help learners’ oral production with regard to fluency in particular.They also find that online planning has positive effect on accuracy and teachers are supposed to play the role of providing scaffolding to help learners develop their oral competence.There are a growing number of people holding the idea that conversation analysis would be an effective means of understanding and improving speaking in pedagogical context.Burns(2001)attempts to shows how discourse-based conceptions of language can be a framework of the teaching of speaking and argues that the approach based on discourse could be an essential direction for the future language teaching pedagogy.
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摘 要:德育教育就是在学术思想和道德主导下对学生进行人格建设,其中教师属于教育者,学生属于受教育的人,其目的是通过教师教授学生学习新知识,培养学生的思想认识、信念坚定、思想品德等。在小学的日常教学活动中,班主任是班集体的组织者和管理者,班主任对班级的管理工作是小学教务工作的重要组成部分,管理的成效直接关系着学校的教育教学质量。在小学阶段学生的年龄普遍不大,其思想观念和人生价值观正是处于萌芽阶段,所