A Retreat Wrapped in Classic Modernity

来源 :中国-东盟博览(旅游版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alanzou
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  Book is a formidable meme that even places its feet in the seemingly unrelated fields such as hospitality. The Tonino Lamborghini Hotel Suzhou makes a case for how book underpins its theme. With its origin in Italy, the hotel was created in the robe of Chinese garden and has acclimatized to Suzhou’s refined ambience typical of ancient China yet juxtaposed with modernity. It is a far cry from how people think of the flamboyant Lamborghini cars; rather, it is the literati temperament that sets it apart. If you set about touring around Suzhou, then the Tonino Lamborghini Hotel Suzhou will never mar your cultural experience.
  Luxury accommodations in Suzhou
  The exquisite garden landscape and intoxicating lakeside view are other signatures that add to the hotel’s glamour. A saunter in the courtyard of the hotel may give the first-hand experience of what is refined temperament. Strolling on the terrace of a private lakeside suite would melt your heart, with gusts of breeze whistling over.
  From classical to traditional to modern, Tonino Lamborghini Hotel Suzhou offers an array of room types and suites. As well, you have a choice of views ranging from various angles of Jinji Lake to different niches within the garden, courtyards, romantic waterfalls and water features. All rooms enjoy high-speed Internet and WiFi, free Tea & Coffee, flat-screen LCD TV, universal plug adaptors and in-room safe.
  A hotel of libraries
  With education and wisdom being a core Chinese value, the Tonino Lamborghini Hotel Suzhou has been created around the ideas of library, reading, wisdom and passion. Aside from books, there is a library of music, of movies, of wines and liqueurs, of cigars, of chocolates, and more libraries representing the 21st-century lifestyle culture. But that is not an end to your reading journey whatsoever in this hotel. A project named “Reading Alliance” initiated by Suzhou Dushu Lake Library has upgraded the hotel’s reading service. The book bars in the hotel are fed with various physical books by the Library. Moreover, the hotel is digitally connected with the Library so guests have convenient access to e-books so long as they log in with their room numbers as accounts.
  Soothing health service
  Books are to feed minds, but the hotel also attends to your need in soothing away weariness.
  Our superbly equipped fitness center includes an indoor heated swimming pool and a gymnasium with the latest cardio equipment. Outdoor facilities include landscaped areas dedicated to various holistic activities. A championship 18-hole golf course is located 20 minutes away.
  Days of balancing accounting books, hurdling deadlines, or just keeping up with the kids take a toll on one’s body and spirit. Ocean Spa introduces the four-hand massage, a therapy invented and used by ancient Roman royalty. You can also relax and de-stress as you indulge in the utmost pampering with soothing music and the sound of rippling water in the background at the Ocean Spa.
从“天眼”探空到“蛟龙”探海,从核能发电到新能源汽车,科技创新正赋予今天的中国全新的发展动能。“坚定实施创新驱动发展战略,加快建设创新型国家”被郑重写入十九大报告。“创新”更成为了2018年中国与东盟合作的关键词。  而在与越南山水相连的中国广西防城港市,一个以高新技术为驱动的年轻园区正在冉冉升起,并有望在未来中国—东盟的合作中提供智力和技术支持。在这个年轻的园区——广西防城港高新技术产业开发区(
南海波涛日夜守护着的京族,是中国56个民族大家庭中人数较少的民族之一。大约在15世纪左右,部分京族人民先后从越南陆续迁徙到了如今的广西防城港东兴市,定居于平江乡被称作“巫头”“山心”和“万尾”三个充满传奇色彩的岛屿上,过着以捕鱼为主农耕为辅的生活。几百年来,京族在生息繁衍的过程中,沉淀下了许多独具民族特色的文化风俗。  京族人民历来重视与喜爱歌唱,在京族语言中“哈”即为“歌”,而“哈”又有“吃”的
倘若你想解读一番巴厘岛的人文元素,那就从乌布的艺术村开始;倘若想揭开印尼古老艺术的面纱,那就从乌布的雕刻、蜡染开始。乌布就恍若一个巨大的艺术中心,许许多多的艺术家从世界各地聚集于此。  他们喜爱在原始稻田间散步,在博物馆感受当地的艺术变迁,在街头咖啡馆一尝充满温情的饮品,在餐馆品味异国的创意料理,在寺庙感怀当地人的虔诚信仰……这些仅仅是乌布给予客人的一小份惊喜,相信这趟乌布之旅能让你深切感受到对巴
To some extent, culture has been largely shaped by the environment, which helps influence the local architecture. Hakka Earthen Building is a type of Chinese rural dwellings, which is constructed by p
With 72 famous springs, Jinan, the provincial capital of Shandong Province, is known as the “City of Springs” for the fact that its springs spread everywhere and its water is clear, sweet and pure. It
2018年是防城港建港50周年,50年的栉风沐雨,防城港从一个西部边陲小码头逐渐成长壮大为拥有超过1.5亿吨吞吐能力,并与全球250个港口通航的港工贸协调发展的西部大海港。在港口吞吐量、生产性泊位和万吨级以上泊位等方面占据了北部湾三港的半壁江山,为广西乃至大西南的经济建设作出了重大贡献。  起点:承载着历史的重托  防城港地处中国边陲,西南部与越南相邻,距东南亚地区较近,无论是在经济发展上还是军事
相信不少人都知道,喔多郭农贸市场产品琳琅满目,汇集全泰顶级生产源地特色产品,例如蔬果、新鲜食品和加工食品,还被CNN评为全球第四农贸市场。  如今,喔多郭不仅是出售高品质农产品的农贸市场,还不断提升产品质量,创建“喔多郭市场最佳产品”品牌,把高品质农产品推广到国内外,帮助泰国的农民、社区、小型企业和喔多郭一起长远发展。  喔多郭农贸市场管理委员会主任咖蒙威·告法说道,提升农产品质量以获得消费者认可
行走在防城港市的港口区,沿途畅通的混凝土道路、两旁塔罐林立的现代化厂区,还有那气势磅礴的深水港码头,无不凸显这座年轻城市强劲的发展势头。看着眼前的热闹繁华,谁会想到25年前,建市之初,防城港沿海一带仅是偏僻滩涂,企沙半岛也只是荒凉丘陵。  25年来,一批又一批行业龙头企业纷至沓来,一个又一个重大项目在此落地生根,防城港市不仅甩掉了“无产业支撑”的帽子,还实现了工业转型升级新跨越。  徐徐展开的工业
一天吴哥遗迹游历实在疲累,回到酒店手指不停滑着手机,最终找到了一家“xx生鲜酒楼”,应该是以新鲜水产为主的餐厅,看着像粤菜,又不是惯常粤菜。粤菜多海味、生鲜或干货,注重煲汤,口味清爽,这家的图片看上去更“接地气”,菜单中除了鱼、虾、蟹还有甲鱼和蛇,却见不到煲汤,四周充满浸满药材的玻璃瓶。而吃过的客人一片称赞。我立刻出门叫了辆突突车。  海鲜酒楼在一条主路的巷子里,网上说店主是华人,祖辈在暹粒定居,
三宝颜市,坐落在菲律宾棉兰老岛的最南端,是三宝颜省的直辖市。它不像马尼拉、宿雾或是长滩岛、薄荷岛一般闻名遐迩。甚至,这里的海岛常常游人稀少,海里的热带游鱼也不懂得害怕人类。  诚然,三宝颜曾有过一些负面的描述,但假若你对它不加以了解便选择敬而远之,或许有失偏颇。因为这里的粉色沙滩、热带风浪、五彩帆船以及多元的民族文化,无一不彰显着这座城市的包容与热情。  难忘西班牙  “三宝颜”这个名字来源于马来