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住房和城乡建设部部长姜伟新日前指出,要继续做好房地产市场监管,坚持开展房地产市场形势分析,研究房地产市场调控的长远机制。住房和城乡建设部日前召开会议,传达全国两会精神。姜伟新在该会议上作出上述表示。姜伟新还指出,要深入推进保障性住房建设;抓好城乡规划的编制、审批和管理;不断加大住房公积金管理工作力度;强化建筑市场和工程质量安全监管;抓好城镇水质问题;继续 Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Jiang Weixin pointed out recently that it is necessary to continue to supervise the real estate market, insist on carrying out real estate market situation analysis and research on the long-term mechanism of real estate market regulation and control. Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department recently held a meeting to convey the spirit of the two sessions. Jiang Weixin said at the meeting. Jiang Weixin also pointed out that we should further promote the construction of affordable housing; do a good job in urban planning compilation, examination and approval and management; continue to increase the housing accumulation fund management efforts; strengthen the construction market and project quality and safety supervision; do a good job in urban water quality problems; continue