Coupling Analysis of Tribology and Dynamics in Rolling Interface

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenchen19880908
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The metal plastic flow, tribology performance and work roll vibration on the rolling interface were analyzed. Considering the effect of work roll vibration on the tribology behavior of rolling interface, the damping of rolling interface was researched. It is found that the rolling interface, where the partial hydraulic lubricating film and dry friction area coexist, is of negative damping coefficient. The negative damping results from the dynamic variation of the thickness of lubricating film in the rolling interface, and is caused by the special coupling between dynamics and tribology of the rolling interface. The metal plastic flow, tribology performance and work roll vibration on the rolling interface were researched. It is found that the rolling interface, where the partial damping lubricating film and dry friction area coexist, is of negative damping coefficient. The negative damping results from the dynamic variation of the thickness of lubricating film in the rolling interface, and is caused by the special coupling between dynamics and tribology of the rolling interface.
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