Some Symbolic Meanings of Color Words in Chinese and English Cultures

来源 :海外英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaodaxiang
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In Chinese and English languages,there are very abundant words that can describe different colors.Not only should we pay attention to their basic meanings,but also should pay attention to their profound symbolic meanings.Because the symbolic meanings of color words often have different characteristics in different national languages,some characteristics even form people to the advocating and taboo to the colors after being guided,stretched and transferred by people.The big difference of the symbolic meanings of color between different cultures is due to the different nations,different cultures,different historical backgrounds,and different aesthetic psychologies.It is sanctified by usage in the sediment of history and the development of society.It is a kind of enduring culture phenomenon.From the angle of comparison between Chinese and English cultures,this essay attempts to probe into the development of different cultures has the impact on symbolic meanings of color words. In Chinese and English languages, there are very abundant words that can describe different colors.Not only should we pay attention to their basic meanings, but also pay attention to their profound symbolic meanings.Because the symbolic meanings of color words often have different characteristics in different national languages, some characteristic even form people to the advocating and taboo to the colors after being guided, stretched and transferred by people.The big difference of the symbolic meanings of color between different cultures is due to the different nations, different cultures, different historical backgrounds, and different aesthetic psychologies. It is sanctified by usage in the sediment of history and the development of society. It is a kind of enduring culture phenomenon. From the angle of comparison between Chinese and English cultures, this essay attempts to probe into the development of different cultures has the impact on symbolic meanings of color words.
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