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人生观是每个人对自己人生的意义、价值、目的和态度等人生重大问题的根本看法。一个人是否有远大的理想和高尚的道德,同他们的人生观是有密切联系的。被称之为“灵魂工程师”的艺术表演团体的文艺工作者,尤其是青少年文艺工作者,对其进行人生观的教育就更为重要,杂技艺术表演 View of life is everyone's own life, meaning, value, purpose and attitude and other major issues of life, the fundamental view. Whether a person has lofty ideals and noble morality is closely related to their outlook on life. Literary and art workers, especially young literary and art workers, who are called “Soul Engineers” performing arts groups are even more important in their education of outlook on life. Acrobatic art performances
Introduccion: Pneumotonometers are handy equipments for testing intraocular pressures (IOP) both for physicians and patients and doesn’t transmit infecti
与同期上映的《梦想照进现实》相比,《疯狂的石头》虽然同为低成本,却放弃了奔向艺术的高姿态,但它因坚持精巧的结构和实用的技巧,从而赢得更多来自民众的掌声 Compared wit
The past decade has seen Quanzhou Marionette I Troupe's most frequent exchanges with the outside world. The troupe has toured more than 30 countries and regions
1 病例报告患者男 ,42岁 ,于 2 0 0 2年 8月 2 7日自诉右眼奇痒 ,异物感 ,灼热感 ,分泌物多 1天而就诊。经查 ,双眼裸眼视力1 0 ,右眼结膜充血 ( )水肿 ,粘液性分泌物量较
From May 12 through 18, a group of senior students from the opera school of Shanghai Drama Academy, with an average age of 20, staged three Peking opera program
上颌窦出血性坏死性息肉是以出血为特征的特殊类型的慢性上颌窦炎。多为单侧发病 ,且伴有骨质破坏 ,很容易与上颌窦恶性肿瘤相混淆 ,因此临床上首次明确诊断较为困难 ,我院于
The fascinating art of Chinese acrobatics has been widely acclaimed on the African continent. In 1970s and 80s, many young African students were dispatched to r