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我省水资源丰富,发展水运的条件十分优越。“八五”时期以来,全省水运事业有了一定的发展,但水运的优势还没得到充分发挥。根据全国内河航运建设工作会议精神,为使水运更好地为我省改革开放和国民经济发展服务,现通知如下:一、进一步提高发展水运的认识。水运是现代交通主要运输方式之一,具有运量大、投入少、成本低、能耗低等特点。各级人民政府要充分认识水运在国民经济发展中的重要地位和作用,把水运建设摆到应有位置。按照“宜水则水、宜陆则陆”的原则,在生产力布局上,充分利用我省水运优势,促进水运与其它运输方式协调发展。 Our province is rich in water resources, the conditions for the development of water transport is very advantageous. Since the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, the water transport industry in the province has made some progress, but the advantages of water transport have not yet been brought into full play. In accordance with the spirit of the National Conference on Construction of Inland Waterway Transport, in order to make water transport better serve the reform, opening up and national economic development in our province, we hereby notify you as follows: I. Further Understanding to Further Improve Water Transport Development. Water transport is one of the main modes of transport in modern transportation. It has the characteristics of large capacity, low investment, low cost and low energy consumption. People’s governments at all levels should fully understand the important status and role of water transport in the development of the national economy and put the construction of water transport in place. According to the principle of “water from Yishui to land from Lu”, in the layout of productive forces, we should make full use of the advantages of water transport in our province to promote the coordinated development of water transport and other modes of transport.
打开互联网的搜索引擎,键入“售后服务主体”字样,一条“金华电力客户业扩工程售后服务主体确认公示公告”出现在眼前。这个刊登在当地《金华日报》上的公告, Open the Inte
我从小就生得白皙圆润,喜欢吃高热量的甜食,不喜欢运动。大人们每每看见我总是夸我可爱,忍不住要逗逗我,还经常从怀里掏出棒棒糖或是巧克力之类的给我吃。虽然身边的 Since