把握整体结构 理清逻辑关系

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完形填空题的备选答案具有唯一性,所以,文篇的整体结构清晰,逻辑关系明显。把握好“轻语法,重逻辑”的命题原则,我们才能更好地把握语篇的整体结构和主旨要义,顺利理解上下文之间的逻辑关系,更简单、更准确地寻找具体信息点。完形填空从设空的答案由一个句子、由相邻不远的一组句子还是由全篇的内容综合决定来看,可分为句子层次、句组层次和全篇层次三个等级,设空的难度依次增加。从近年的中考题来看,全篇层次设空的比例相对有所增加,说明“突出语篇”的命题思路进一步深化。那么, The alternative answers to the Cloze question are unique. Therefore, the overall structure of the article is clear and the logical relationship is obvious. By grasping the proposition principle of “light language grammar and heavy logic”, we can grasp the overall structure and the key points of the text better, understand the logical relations between the contexts well, and find the specific information points more simply and accurately. Cloze from the set empty answer from a sentence not far from a group of sentences or from the entire contents of the comprehensive decision point of view can be divided into sentence level, sentence level and the whole level of three levels, set Empty in turn increased the difficulty. In recent years, the examination questions from the point of view, the proportion of the entire level set up empty relative increase, indicating “prominent discourse ” propositions to further deepen. Well,
1Cr12Ni3Mo2VN是用于核电常规岛汽轮机末级叶片的新型钢种。在温度850℃~1 200℃,应变速率0.01s-1~20s-1条件下,利用Gleeble3500热模拟试验机对该钢种试样进行了等温压缩试验
为了解血液透析过程中血小板 α-颗粒蛋白(GMP140)的变化及透析膜对它的影响,观察了20例透析患者透析前、透析后15分、60分、120分钟时动脉血GMP140水平.结果醋酸盐透析(ADH)
亚急性联合变性(简称亚联)是vit B_(12)缺乏引起脊髓侧索、后索和周围神经变性.有时亦累及视神经和在脑白质.在病程早期,阳性体征仅限于受损较重的部位,因此,易漏诊和误诊.作
慢性肾功能衰竭(Chronic Renal Failure,CRF),是由于多种原发或继发性肾脏病变,持续性、进行性损害到晚期的结果.临床上以代谢产物潴留、水、电解质及酸碱平衡失调为主要表现