皮角是一种少见的癌前病变,多发生在40岁以上,尤其是常受日晒的老年人。本病好发于头皮及面部,也可在阴茎、躯干、四肢和其它任何部位发生。常为单发,也可多个发生,其基底部充血往往是恶化成癌的最高朕兆。治疗宜早期切除。我科曾遇见一例兹介绍如下: 汪××,男,60岁,湖北黄冈县林山河公社农民。主诉右下睑长一新生物八个多月。开始为米粒大小黑色质硬的刺状物,先后两次用指甲自行钳除,但不多时又复发。近三个多月来新生物明显增大,且常因触痛而影响睡眠。检查:一般情况良好,皮肤黝
Skin angle is a rare precancerous lesion, which occurs more than 40 years old, especially the elderly who are often exposed to the sun. The disease occurs in the scalp and face, but also in the penis, trunk, limbs and any other site. Often single or multiple, basement congestion is often the highest sign of worsening cancer. Treatment should be removed early. Our department met one case and introduced it as follows: Wang X, male, 60 years old, farmer of Linshanhe Commune of Huanggang County, Hubei Province. The chief accused the right lower jaw of a new creature for more than eight months. The black, hard, black spurs started as two-pronged nails, but they relapsed infrequently. In the past three months or so new creatures have increased significantly, and often affect sleep due to tenderness. Inspection: generally good, skin blemishes