
来源 :数理化学习(教育理论版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangyuchao
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在坚实的物质条件支撑下,作为基础性学科的我国初中化学与以往相比,无论从教学的硬件方面还是软件方面都取得了高层次性的发展,给我国化学工业的发展奠定了理论基础.众所周知,每一事物的发展并不是一蹴而就的,需要不断地思索和不断地改进,是一项长期发展的过程.另外,纵观我国初中化学教学现状来看,我国的初中化学教育由于起步比较晚,在教学活动中还存在不完善的地方,需要广大初中化学教育工作者提高认知、以大无畏的创新精神,革除初中化学教学活动中的弊端,采取针对性的策略,促使我国初中化学教学体现现代性和时代性,最终提升初中生的化学综合素养. Supported by a solid material condition, junior high school chemistry in our country, as a basic subject, has achieved a high-level development both in terms of teaching hardware and software, laying a theoretical foundation for the development of China’s chemical industry. As we all know, the development of every thing is not a one-way, you need to constantly thinking and continuous improvement, is a long-term development process. In addition, looking at the status of junior high school chemistry teaching in our country, junior high school chemistry education in our country started relatively late , There are still some imperfections in teaching activities, which require the majority of junior middle school chemistry educators to improve their cognition. With dauntless innovation, they should eliminate the shortcomings in junior high school chemistry teaching activities and adopt targeted strategies to promote the chemistry teaching in junior middle schools in our country Modernity and the times, and ultimately enhance junior high school chemistry comprehensive quality.
积极防止配方发药差错事故的发生,是建立“放心药房”,提高医疗质量,确保患者用药安全有效的重要一环。笔者就实际工作中可能出现的差错事故,提出如下几点防止措施。1 提高
福建省与日本长崎县是姐妹省县。1999年 8月至 2 0 0 0年 3月期间 ,受福建省中日友好协会及福建省外办的委派 ,我以海外技术研修员身份赴长崎县立西彼保健所研修。研修期间与
内蒙古医学院附属医院验光配镜部 ,是一个小的眼镜店。在同行反映眼镜生意不好做的今天 ,该店的生意却一直呈上升趋势 ,靠的是什么呢?就是“质量、信誉和低廉的价格”。附院验
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随着我校对外交流机会的日益增多 ,学校的二级学院及教学医院名称选词规范更加重要。为此 ,本刊从 1999年起 ,对我校各单位中、英文名称统一规范 ,具体要求如下。河北医科大
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