Wheat powdery mildew is one of the main diseases that endanger the production of wheat in our country. As the main winter wheat producing area in Huanghuai of North China, wheat powdery mildew tends to aggravate. The timely and accurate monitoring and early warning of powdery mildew is of great significance to take effective prevention and control measures and to protect the safety of wheat. Based on the occurrence and climatic characteristics of wheat powdery mildew in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi and Henan provinces, this study quantified the response of wheat powdery mildew to climate change and objectively determined the wheat white powder The level of disease threshold, considering the meteorological conditions of early and critical wheat growth stage, put forward the corresponding assessment model. The results show that the accuracy of the proposed model is exactly 50% -90% and the accuracy of the model is 85.7% -100%. It can timely guide the disease prevention and control according to the meteorological conditions.