电子计算机输出汉字信息的新途径 BD 601中文译码机联机介绍

来源 :北方交通大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pboss
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在毛主席无产阶级教育革命线路指引下,北方交通大学424工厂部分教师走出校门到铁道部直属电子计算所“开门办学”坚持“以阶级斗争为纲”、“急现场之所急”,与计算所技术人员一起,在三个月内完成了BD601中文译码机分调和BD601中文译码机与DJS-8电子计算机联机接口的科研、生产,调试任务。本文介绍一种电子计算机输出汉字的新途经、着重介绍接口逻辑。在铁路上传输的信息有相当大量是汉字信息,若进行人工译电或脱机用BD-601中文译码机通过凿孔纸带输出,必将丧失实时性,速度慢、用人多、易出错。为了提供计算机网络中实时输出汉字信息的功能,我们为DJS-8电子计算机配置了BD-601中文译码机,并研制了相应的联机接口。经过调试,接口性能稳定,能将DJS-8机处理的汉字信息由BD-601中文译码机直接按规定格式译印出来,在今后配置相应软件的基础上,可以实现在中文译码机输出铁路调度命令,铁路运输报表、汉字表格等,为实时输出汉字提供了广泛的前景。 Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s proletarian revolution in education, some teachers at 424 Factory of North Jiaotong University went out of school to go to the electronic computing department directly under the Ministry of Railways to “run the school.” Adhering to the principle of “taking class struggle as the key link” and “urgency on the spot” The technicians completed the research, production and debugging tasks of BD601 Chinese decoder and BD601 Chinese decoder and DJS-8 computer online interface in three months. This article introduces a new way for electronic computer to output Chinese characters, emphasizing the interface logic. There is a considerable amount of information transmitted on the railway is the Chinese character information, if the manual translator or off-line with BD-601 Chinese decoder by punctured tape output, will lose the real-time, slow, and more people, error-prone . In order to provide the function of outputting Chinese characters in real time in the computer network, we have configured the BD-601 Chinese decoder for the DJS-8 electronic computer and developed the corresponding online interface. After debugging, the interface performance is stable, the Chinese character information processed by DJS-8 machine can be translated directly from the Chinese BD-601 decoder according to the specified format. On the basis of configuring the corresponding software in the future, the Chinese decoder output can be realized Railway dispatching orders, railway transport reports, Chinese forms, etc., provide a wide range of prospects for the real-time output of Chinese characters.
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