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白塞氏综合征,中医称之为"狐惑病”.多因肝脾肾三脏受损,湿热毒蕴,循经走窜,浸淫口咽、二阴、眼目及四肢等处而发.本病多发于青壮年,在我国女性多见.其病情缠绵,反复发作.现代医学认为,本病为免疫异常性疾病,临床表现以口、外生器溃疡、眼部损害及皮肤血管炎为主,亦可出现内脏病变. 笔者应用龙胆泻肝汤加减治疗1例女性自塞氏综合征,取得良好效果,现报告如下.
Objective: This study was to investigate the effect of the Chinese herbal compound Kanggan granule (KG) on immune function in a mouse model of immunosuppression
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common malignant tumors and the prognosis of patients was poor. Cantharidin is an effective anti-tumor compone
消化性溃疡并上消化道出血在临床上颇为常见.为了观察中西医结合对本病的疗效,笔者于1996年5月~1999年5月间对58例本病住院病例进行了对照观察,现总结如下.1 临床资料按人院次
Pu-erh tea, a traditional Chinese beverage, has been believed to have many benefits to human health and without side effects. In this study, we systematically a
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Objective: In this study, we assessed the level of fasting C-peptide as a predictor of β-cell function and insulin resistance in patients with Type 2 diabetes