
来源 :连环画报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woainami
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杨永青,男,1927年3月生,上海市浦东新区川沙镇人。早年师从上海著名人物画家谢闲鸥先生。1952—1987年历任华东青年、中国青年、中国少年儿童出版社美术编辑、编审。创作儿童图书二百二十余册及数千幅插图,二十余种儿童画册以多种文字在上海出版发行。曾获全国少年儿童图书评奖美术一等奖等多种奖励,还获得国际安徒生奖提名及中国出版署等机构的多种荣誉奖。因关心儿童美术教育,获国务院妇女儿童协调委员会有突出贡献的儿童工作者和关心下一代工作委员会先进个人等表彰。擅长版画、中国画、图书插图,发表版画百余幅,《高小毕业生》《前哨》等作品被收入《中国新兴版画五十年选集》等多种大型画册,中国美术馆等多家收藏。获中国版画家协会“鲁迅奖章”。离休后,主要从事中国画创作,专长为传统线描人物画。代表作有《屈原九歌长卷》《观音造像》等。曾任文化部儿童文化艺术委员会委员,中国美术家协会儿童美术艺术委员会主任,中国版画家协会第一届理事,还有其他社会兼职十余项。 Yang Yongqing, male, born in March 1927, was born in Chuansha Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai. Early teacher from Shanghai famous figure painter Mr. Xie Gull. 1952-1987 served as East China Youth, China Youth, China Children’s Publishing House art editor, editorial. More than 220 children’s books and thousands of illustrations were created, and more than 20 kinds of children’s pictures were published in Shanghai in various languages. Won the National Children’s Book Award art first prize and many other awards, but also won the International Andersen Award nomination and China Publishing Agency and other agencies a variety of honorary awards. Thanks to the care of children’s art education, the State Council Women and Children Coordination Committee has made outstanding contributions to the children’s workers and care about the next generation of working committee of advanced individuals such as commendation. He is good at printmaking, Chinese painting, illustration of books, publishing more than 100 prints, and graduating highs and outposts. His works have been included in many large-scale catalogs such as “Selected Chinese New Engravings for Fifty Years” and many other collections such as the National Art Museum of China. Chinese version of the painter Association “Lu Xun medal ”. After retiring, mainly engaged in Chinese painting creation, specializing in the traditional line drawing portraits. Representative works “Qu Yuan nine song scroll” “Guanyin statues” and so on. He was previously a member of the Children’s Culture and Arts Commission of the Ministry of Culture, the director of the Children’s Art and Art Committee of the Chinese Artists Association, the first director of the Chinese Print Engraving Association, and a dozen of other social part-time jobs.
  低碳经济越来越受到社会关注,据此,文章分析了我国发展低碳经济的必要性,提出 通过建立低碳经济发展的法制保障机制和解决能源问题等措施,推动我国低碳经济的发展。
桂花,又名木犀、岩桂、丹桂、九里香,木犀科、木犀属。1 形态特征:常绿乔木。花极芳香,多簇生在当年生的枝条。花冠有黄、白、橙红色。从9月初开至10月中旬。2 生长习性:原
位于美国科罗拉多州具有10余年历史的Hi-End音箱品牌Avalon,是由大名鼎鼎的Jeff Rowland创办的。之后这个品牌由Neil Patel接手,与Charles Hansen共同将其发扬光大。之后,Cha