
来源 :浙江医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yushui223
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乳腺癌血行转移最常见的器官依次是脊椎骨、肺、卵巢、肾上腺、胸腺、肝、躯干骨等,发生舌骨区转移不多见,今报道1例如下。 患者女性,55岁,1993年10月18日因发现颈前一无痛性肿块1年余,明显增大1月余作CT检查,显示舌骨大部分呈溶骨性破坏,但边界清楚,诊断:舌骨肿瘤。体检:右胸腋下因2年前曾行乳房癌根治术,有手术切口线,术区平坦,未触及肿块及肿大淋巴结。腹软,肝脾未及,全身浅表淋巴结无肿大,四肢关节无肿痛,脊柱无畸形,活动无障碍。胸片,肝胆、脾、肾B超,脊柱、骨盆片,心电图、肝功能、血沉,血常规、大小便检查等均正常。专科检查:颈前舌骨区稍偏右丰满,皮肤不红,触及肿块1只,界清,4.5cm×4.5cm,质中,无明显压痛,与皮肤无粘连,可随吞咽上下活动,基底活动 The most common organs for metastasis of breast cancer are spine, lung, ovary, adrenal gland, thymus, liver, trunk bone, etc. The occurrence of hyoid bone metastasis is rare, as reported here. The patient was female, 55 years old. On October 18, 1993, a painless mass was found in front of the neck for more than one year. She was significantly enlarged for more than one month for CT examination. It showed that most of the hyoid bone was osteolytic, but the boundary was clear. Diagnosis: Hyoid bone tumors. Physical examination: The right chest had underwent radical mastectomy 2 years ago. There was a surgical incision line, the area was flat, and there was no palpable mass and enlarged lymph nodes. Soft abdomen, no liver and spleen, no enlargement of superficial lymph nodes, no swelling and pain in limbs and joints, no deformity of spine, and no obstacle in movement. Chest radiographs, hepatobiliary, spleen, kidney B-ultrasound, spine, pelvic, electrocardiogram, liver function, ESR, blood routine, urinary and fecal examination were all normal. Specialist examination: The hyoid bone area in front of the neck is slightly plump to the right, the skin is not red, 1 mass is touched, the boundary is clear, 4.5cm×4.5cm, in the quality, there is no obvious tenderness, no adhesion to the skin, can move up and down with swallowing, basement activity
根据不同的运动,应穿适合的运动鞋。不同的运动对于运动鞋的避震、防滑、弯折性能都有不同的需求。 According to different sports, should wear suitable sports shoes. D
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本文通过对直肠癌前切除术后局部复发12例的临床分析,讨论了其复发的原因。 In this paper, the clinical analysis of 12 cases of local recurrence after rectal cancer res