承担责任 再倡节能

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“恐怖主义不会威胁到高科技方式生活下我们的生存能力,但是能源会”。这不是危言耸听,是教育部科学技术委员会主席倪维斗院士在 “Terrorism does not threaten our viability in hi-tech ways, but energy will”. This is not an alarmist, Academician Ni Weidong, chairman of the Science and Technology Commission of the Ministry of Education
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圣诞节时刻,大家都关注那个笑哈哈的有趣的人物。是的,我们都知道驯鹿的故事,也听说过圣诞老人美丽的传奇。 At Christmas time, everyone is watching the funny person w
请看2002年高考题:(保留原题号) 24.The mother didn’t know___to blame for the broken glass as ithappened while she was out. A.who B.when C.how D.what 33.It is sa
I was browsing around a book shop, a habitof mine, when I saw a small, interesting bookentitled “The ABC of loving yourself”. I was browsing around a book s
which作关系代词引导定语从句的用法在近年的高考试题中出现频率较高。本文将其归类分析,供读者参考。一、引导限制性定语从句,用来指物。 1)In fact,the Swede didn’t und
July 1 is the National Day of Canada.Do you know how Canada gotits name? Jaques Cartier was a French navigator(航海家)who discoveredthe ST.Lawerence River.He s
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