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传席按:《评现代大家和名家》,自1996年评刘海粟和李可染开始,至2002年2月评朱屺瞻止,都是在《江苏画刊》上发表的,那时,我因家遭大火灾、书籍、资料全被烧光,连住地都没有。没有资料,便无法进行学术性的研究;无家可归,便东遛西逛。以前,《江苏画刊》离我很近,我几年都不去一次,有事通过电话和邮局。记得有一次,大约是外地一位朋友寄什么东西来,他不知道我地址,便寄到《江苏画刊》,托转交给我,我只好去取,顺便和这位画家编辑聊聊天,他说现在“著名画家”和“大师”太多了,便随意举出几位画家叫我谈谈他们水平到底怎幺样。我也就随意谈谈我的看法。他说:如果把你这些谈话内容发表出来,肯定有人看。我讲完也就走了,根本也没打算发表这些聊天的内容。谁知他很认真,几乎每天催我写出来、我被他“压迫”得没有办法,加之那时也停止了研究工作,于是就写了。我以前研究古代史,顾恺之、王维、苏东坡等都不会去法院告我,现在评现代人,第一篇就惹了祸,差一点要了我的命。后来就停了一段时间。感谢读者对我的厚爱,很多人纷纷要求再看我的评论.也感谢全国很多刊物对我的声援,尤其是广东和河北的一些刊物报纸给予我很大的援助,帮助我讲了很多话。当然,更感谢江苏美术出版社和《江苏画刊》的同仁们,他们为我担了不少风险和压力,后来继续发表我这些偏见。6年中,他们为我编辑出版这些纯属个人看法的文字,而且“惭愧篇篇稿费高”。也感谢国内外的广大读者对我的关心和厚爱,几乎每一篇文章发表后,都有很多读者来信来电鼓励或赞扬,谈读后感,或提供资料,或提出意见,老一代的美术家和美术界负责人,也向我提供很多内幕和鲜为人知的画家材料,皆盛意可感。可惜,我太忙、特别是琐事俗事纠缠,身心交瘁,未能给每一位读者回信,深为内疚,但对每一位关心我的读者,我都很感激。现在《评现代大家和名家》已结集,马上将由江苏美术出版社出版。出版前我又增加一些内容和图片。希望读者注意并继续关心。但现代大家和名家还有很多家未被列入,有人提出不妥,也有很多读者来信询问,为什么不评潘天寿,为什么不评吴冠中等等,难道他们连名家也不算?我也感到不妥,而且对潘天寿、吴冠中、岭南派等等,我也有些话要说,所以,只好再写这个《续篇》,应《国画家》编辑部之请,在《国画家》上连载,估计在2003年至2004年载完.再结集出版。其实,我从来无心做批评家,我少时画过画,但只是业余爱好,更无心作画家。我的兴趣一直在经史子集,一直想研究人文史和文学史。一直希望通过我的文章对国家的发展和进步有一点微薄的贡献,指出其弊病,描绘其美好的前景。但我在美术系教授美术史,不得不研究美术史,而且美术史也是人文史的一部分。那时,我对很多问题作过深入的研究,论文发表在《文物》、《美术研究》以及国内外的学术刊物上,也写过文学批评和研究的论文,但画家们大多不看这类刊物。正在我准备全部转向人文史研究时,1995年,我的家(书房和卧室客厅等)遭受巨大火灾,书籍、书画、各种资料全被焚烧一空,仅幸存性命,如前所述,因为没有资料,研究工作停止,加之那时住在一个招待所里,仅有一张床.又加上受朋友之托,便写点评论,于是便沦落为批评家,但从此,我苦难无穷,我曾一天接到法院三张传票,三家告我的状,罪名是“诽谤”“侵犯名誉”等.开始我很恼火,后来也就习惯了。但时间浪费太多,太可惜,当年鲁迅评梁实秋是“丧家的,资本家的乏走狗”,梁实秋只在报纸杂志上与鲁迅见高低,却从没告到法院,鲁迅也没有接到一张法院传票。今天的人,为什么不在文字上理论、不在报刊上见高低,而动辄便去法院呢?为了应付法院传讯, 我不得不准备一些材料,有些材料要找几个月才能找到,有的根本找不到。在这期间画家给我写信,我都无法回复。很多画家寄来他们的画集,希望我为他们写些评论,我也想写,但都被俗事误了。有的我已答应六年了,至今未能动笔,压力很大,希望画家们能体谅我。还有.我也曾年轻过,年轻的学者,年轻的教授,现在也就不年轻了。我还要从事一些有意义的研究,不可能把一生全抛在应酬的文字里。一部《现代中国画史》,我写了六年还没完成。如果在十年前,我只半年时间就完成了。现在,我教书任务重,社会事务多,人情来往多,仅应付官司事就花费我的大半时间和精力,至于各方面来的谣言和对我的攻击污蔑,我也无力也无心去计较了。只是不能静下心来写文章,十分遗憾,惟希望画家们能体谅我。即是这些评论文章,也是应《国画家》之请。本来答应在今年第1期上就发表的,结果还是拖到5月才写出第1篇,时间短,文章就容易长,也是无可如何的事,不好意思再要求读者谅解了。 By press: “Comment on modern people and famous”, commented Liu Haisu and Li Keran since 1996, and commented on Zhu Qunzhan in February 2002, all of which were published in “Jiangsu Pictorial”. At that time, Home was a big fire, books, materials were all burn, and did not even live. Without information, we can not conduct academic research; homeless, then stroll west shopping. Previously, “Jiangsu Pictorial” was close to me. I did not go once in a couple of years and got involved by phone and post office. I remember once, about a foreign friend to send something, he did not know my address, it will be sent to “Jiangsu Pictorial”, entrusted to me, I had to take, by the way and the artist editor to chat, he To say that there are so many “famous painters” and “masters” nowadays, we are free to cite a few painters who told me to talk about how their level is. I also feel free to talk about my opinion. He said: If you put these conversations published, it is certainly someone to see. I left after I finished, there is no intention to publish these chatting content. Who knows he is very serious, urging me to write almost every day, I was “oppressed” he had no solution, combined with the time also stopped the research work, so he wrote. Before I studied ancient history, Gu Kaizhi, Wang Wei, Su Dongpo and so on will not go to the court to sue me. Now comment on the modern people. The first one made a curse and nearly took my life. Then stopped for some time. I thank readers for their love of me and many people have asked me to read my comments, and I am also grateful to many of the publications in the country for their kind assistance to me. In particular, some newspapers in Guangdong and Hebei have given me great assistance in helping me to make a lot of remark. Of course, I am even more grateful to my colleagues at Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House and Jiangsu Pictorial. They took a lot of risks and pressures for me and later continued to publish my biases. For six years, they edited and published these purely personal texts for me, and “Ashamed Articles”. I am also grateful to the readers at home and abroad for their concern and love for me. After the publication of almost every essay, many readers wrote letters to encourage or compliment, talk about posthumously or provide information or make comments. The artists and fine arts of the older generation The head of the community also provided me with a lot of insider and little-known painter materials, both of which are highly desirable. It is a pity that I am too busy, especially trivialities, and are deeply guilty of failing to reply to every reader. However, I am grateful to every reader who cares about me. Now “comment on modern people and famous” has been assembled, will soon be published by Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House. Before I added some more content and pictures. I hope readers pay attention and continue to care about. However, there are many modern people and famous artists who have not been included. Some have put forward some mistakes. Some readers have asked for inquiries why they have not inspected P’o Tien-shou and why they have not named Wu Guan-chung, etc. But also to Pan Tianshou, Wu Guanzhong, Lingnan school, etc., I also have some words to say, so I had to write this “sequel” at the invitation of the editorial department of “Chinese Painter” and serialized in “Chinese Painter” Estimated in 2003-2004 finished, published again. In fact, I have never been a critic of critics. I painted paintings for a small time but were only hobbies and painters. My interest has been in the history of the sub-set, always wanted to study the history of humanities and literature. I always hope that my article will make a modest contribution to the development and progress of the country, point out its defects and depict its bright future. However, I teach art history in the Department of Fine Arts, having to study the history of fine arts, and art history is also part of human history. At that time, I made in-depth research on many issues. Papers were published in “Cultural Relics,” “Art Research,” and academic journals both at home and abroad. I also wrote essays on literary criticism and research, but most of the painters did not look at this type publication. When I was about to turn to the study of humanities history, in 1995, my home (study room and bedroom living room, etc.) suffered a huge fire. Books, calligraphy and painting, all kinds of information were all burned, and only survived. As mentioned above, Data, research work ceased, combined with the time to live in a hostel, only a bed. Plus a friend’s care, then write a comment, so reduced to a critic, but since then, I am suffering, I have a day Three summonses from the court and three summonses were pleaded guilty to charges of defamation, infringement of honor, etc. At first I was annoyed and later got used to it. However, time is wasted too much. Too bad it was a pity that when Comrade Liang Shih-ch’iu criticized Liang Shih-ch’iu as “a funeral home and a capitalist’s lack of lackeys,” Liang Shih-ch’iu only met with Lu Xun in newspapers and magazines but never came to court. Lu Xun never received a court summons. Why do not today’s people, who are not literary theory and not newspapers, find themselves at court? In order to cope with the court hearing, I have to prepare some materials for a few months to find and some for nothing To During this period the painter wrote me a letter, I can not reply. Many painters sent their paintings, I hope I write some comments for them, I also want to write, but they are misunderstood. Some of them have promised six years, so far I have not been able to write a pen. I am under pressure to hope that painters can understand me. And, as I was young, young scholars, young professors, are not young now. I still need to engage in some meaningful research, it is impossible to throw all my life in the text of the entertainment. A “history of modern Chinese painting,” I wrote for six years not yet completed. If only ten years ago, I only half a year to complete. Now I am teaching heavy tasks, having a lot of social issues and having a lot of human connections. I spend most of my time and energy dealing only with litigation. As for all kinds of rumors and slander against me, I am powerless and careless. Just can not stop and write articles, very sorry, but I hope painters can understand me. That is, these comments articles, but also should “painter” request. Originally promised to be published on the first issue of this year, the result is still dragged to write the first one in May, the time is short, the article is easy to grow, but also nothing can be done, I am sorry to ask readers to understand.
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