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  The death of Zhang Chao, a lieutenant commander and aircraft carrier pilot candidate from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy, was publicly announced just ahead of the 89th anniversary of the founding of the PLA on August 1.
  Zhang belonged to China’s first carrier-borne aircraft unit, which was established in May 2013. He lost his life on April 27 in an accident caused by mechanical malfunction during a routine training exercise.
  Zhang focused on trying to save his aircraft, only ejecting at the last moment. However, as the plane was not far above the ground at the time, his parachute couldn’t fully open in time.
  Zhang, who was 29, hailed from Yueyang City in south China’s Hunan Province. Having enrolled in the PLA Air Force Aviation University in 2004, he qualified as a PLA Air Force and Navy pilot before being selected as an aircraft carrier pilot candidate.
  Concerns About Security in Rio
  Beijing Youth Daily August 1 Complaints from the Chinese Olympic delegation about security problems in Rio de Janeiro, the host city for this year’s Summer Olympics, have become a hot topic on social media. Shi Dongpeng, a Chinese hurdler, has recounted on his microblog the experience of having a piece of luggage stolen upon arrival at his hotel in Rio. Four other members of the Chinese delegation experienced the even greater misfortune of having their passports and all of their luggage taken.
  Poor security in Rio will not only cause Olympic participants inconvenience and financial loss, but will also seriously damage Rio’s and even Brazil’s international image. The ever-widening wealth gap in Brazil has contributed to social instability. In particular, the constantly expanding slums and increasing number of people residing in such locations have added to social unrest.
  The International Olympic Committee(IOC) has done nothing wrong in choosing Rio as the host city for the Olympics. The decision indicates the IOC’s recognition of Brazil’s achievements. However, the committee needs to do more to push Brazil to solve its security problems. Even if they cannot change the security situation in the city in the short term, they should at least remind athletes not to go out alone and not to wear expensive accessories to prevent any more robberies and thefts targeting athletes.
  The present security situation in Rio deserves the attention of the local government as well as the IOC. Only through the concerted efforts of both can Rio’s security be improved during the games.   Zhejiang Model of Overseas Acquisitions
  China Newsweek August 1
  East China’s Zhejiang Province currently hosts 308 listed companies, making it second in this regard only to Guangdong Province. However, over-reliance on low-end manufacturing industries, lowcost labor and resources, and traditional business models has hindered the development of the local economy.
  Overseas acquisitions represent a viable way to bring about industrial transformation in Zhejiang. From 2010 to 2015, the number of overseas acquisitions every year increased from seven to 18, and the value of the acquisitions increased from 237 million yuan ($35.7 million) to 3.24 billion yuan($488.7 million).
  European companies are favorable choices for enterprises in Zhejiang when it comes to overseas acquisitions. On the one hand, European countries have been seeking new economic drivers since the European debt crisis, and their companies are valued at relatively low levels. On the other hand, most European companies possess advanced technologies and management methods, which complement their Chinese counterparts.
  However, overseas acquisition activity by Zhejiang businesses remains at a preliminary stage. Many local companies who would like to take this path lack clear, long-term plans and have insufficient understanding of the rules governing overseas acquisitions.
  The government should provide proper guidance as well as incentive policies to assist and encourage local companies in the process. Through overseas acquisitions, Zhejiang expects to form an industrial structure characterized by high-end manufacturing and modern services.
  How Far Are We From an Olive Society?
  People’s Daily July 27
  The Chinese have been committed to building a so-called “olive society,” an ideal socioeconomic structure in which the middle-income group accounts for a majority of the population. However, low-income people still make up a large proportion of the Chinese population. Many in rural areas have yet to get rid of poverty. China has a long way to go in order to become an olive society.
  First of all, the transformation of industrial structures should be stepped up in order to create more job opportunities for well-educated workers and professionals. Also, the development of higher education should be pushed forward. Improvements in education levels will help produce a larger number of middle-income people and contribute to changes in China’s social structure.   Meanwhile, the social safety net is of great importance. A fully established social insurance system can prevent the middle-income group from falling back down the social ladder as a result of suffering misfortunes such as severe illness.
  The evolution of the social structure requires many preconditions and takes a long time. It is predicted that by 2040, the number of China’s white-collar workers will exceed that of its blue-collar workers, and that by 2050, white-collar workers will account for 60 percent of China’s labor force. By then, China will have become an olive society.
  Zhu Fuxi, Political Commissar of the Western Theater Command, was promoted to the rank of general, the highest rank for officers in active service, on July 29, along with Yi Xiaoguang, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Joint Staff Department of the Central Military Commission (CMC).
  President Xi Jinping, who also chairs the CMC, presented the two with certificates of command and extended his congratulations.
  Zhu, 61, comes from east China’s Zhejiang Province. He joined the military as a soldier in 1974 and worked his way up through the ranks. He was secretary general of the PLA General Political Department from 2005-08 and director of the Political Department of the PLA Air Force from 2009-12 as well as political commissar of the Chengdu Military Area Command before assuming his current post.
  “It is no exaggeration to say that the sea era is giving way to the land era.”
  Luo Shuquan, Chairman of the Board of the Chongqing Western Logistics Park in southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality, commenting on the shift of foreign trade from coastal areas to inland cities in a recent interview
  “We will encourage public and private entities to set up breastfeeding rooms in workplaces and public venues, to address the shortage of such facilities.”
  Wang Guoqiang, deputy head of the National Health and Family Planning Commission at a World Breastfeeding Week event in Beijing on August 1
  “Filled with hostility toward the Chinese military, it stirs up trouble between China and its neighbors and attempts to deceive the international community.”
  Wu Qian, Defense Ministry spokesman, opposing Japan’s 2016 defense white paper, which was issued on August 2 and contains accusations of China’s national defense and legal maritime activities in the east and south China seas
  “Young people born in the 1980s and 1990s have active thoughts, and the Communist Youth League (CYL) has to adapt to their needs and improve its services.”
  Ding Yuanzhu, a professor at Peking University, commenting on the recent launch of an overhaul of the CYL, a national youth organization with 88 million members
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