
来源 :中学生英语·高三版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaojian1990
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  社会主义和谐社会harmonious socialist society
  又快又好的发展sound and fast development
  民生people’s well-being
  农业特产税tax on agricultural specialty products
  外汇储备多元化diversification of foreign exchange reserve
  外汇储备foreign exchange reserves
  维护社会公平和正义 to safeguard social fairness and justice
  企业所得税corporate / enterprise income tax
  物权法property law
  房地产市场过热overheated property sector
  经济过热economic overheating
  廉租房low-rent housing
  节能降耗减排to save energy, lower energy consumption and reduce pollutants discharge
  适龄儿童school-age children
  助学金tuition assistance
  职业教育vocational education
  婚前医学检查;婚检pre-marital medical check-up
  医患关系doctor-patient relationship
  不合标准的食品和药品substandard food and medicine
  食品医药安全food and drug safety
  医疗改革healthcare reform
  新型农村合作医疗制度new type of rural cooperative medical care system
  新型农村合作医疗制度new type of rural cooperative medical care system
  社会主义新农村new socialist countryside
  农村最低生活保障制度basic living / subsistence allowance system for rural residents
  最低生活补助minimum living / subsistence allowance
  社区医院community hospitals
  社区医疗保健制度community healthcare system
  弱势群体vulnerable group / disadvantaged group
  温室气体排放和气候变化greenhouse gas emission and climate change
  汉语年year of Chinese language
  免费的九年义务教育free nine-year compulsory education
  学杂费miscellaneous fees
  促进两岸和平to promote cross-Straits peace
  “三通”(通邮、通商、通航)direct links of mail, transport and trade
  “米袋子”工程 “rice bag” (grain supply) program
  “菜篮子”工程“vegetable basket” (non-staple food supply) program
  物价上涨price hike
  社会保障social security
  留守儿童stay-at-home children
  农民工rural migrant workers
  低收入人群low-income population
  清洁、可再生能源clean and renewable energy sources
  农村饮用水rural drinking water
  安全饮用水safe drinking water
  资源节约型、环境友好型社会a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society
  以人为本的社会people-first society
  廉租房项目low-rent housing program
  劳动合同法Labor Contract Law
  鼓励创业to encourage business startups
  失业保险制度unemployment insurance system
  服务型政府service-orientated government
  房屋拆迁housing demolition
  减轻弱势群体负担ease the burden on the disadvantaged group
  小康社会a moderately prosperous society
  南水北调工程south-to-north water diversion project
  一国两制One Country, Two Systems
  科学发展观scientific outlook on development
  生态文明conservation culture
  退耕还林grain for green project
  与时俱进keep up with the times
  社会主义荣辱观socialist concept of honor and disgrace
  生态补偿机制ecological compensation mechanism
  循环经济circular economy
  开发式扶贫development-orientated poverty reduction
  建设创新型国家to construct an innovative country
  有特色、高水平的奥运会unique, well-run Olympic Games
  绿色奥运Green Olympics
  科技奥运Technology Olympics
  人文奥运Cultural Olympics
  体育强国a world sports power
  体育大国a major sports country
抗联第一路军少年铁血队,是在杨靖宇将军的关怀下,于1938年8月在辑安县六道阳岔沟里诞生的。杨靖宇称少年铁血队是“长白山火种”、“抗联的未来”。 1 1938年8月,东北抗日
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