一、导语设计 课外,同学们都喜欢读小说。大家常有这样的感受:每每拿起一篇小说,很为那曲折生动的情节所吸引,又为鲜明感人的形象所感动。那深刻的主题,动人的情节,别具一格的开头,耐人寻味的结尾……常常使人们爱不释手,不读完茶饭不香,寝食不安,简直到了入魔的程度。这是很好的现象,我们学习就应该有如此的劲头和毅力。 小说作为一种重要的反映生活的文学样式,一般有长、中、短篇之分。近年来,社会上又流行一种比短篇小说更短小精悍的小说,它篇幅更短,人物更少,情节更单纯,字数一般在千字以内。它往往只截取生活的一个小
I. Leading Design After class, classmates like to read novels. Everyone often feels like this: Whenever you pick up a novel, it is very appealing to the lively plot and it is moved by a vivid and moving image. The profound theme, the moving plot, the unique beginning, the intriguing ending ... ... often make people put it down, do not read the tea and rice is not fragrant, uneasy for food, Jane to the degree of demon. This is a very good phenomenon. We should have such dynamism and perseverance in our studies. As an important literary style reflecting life, novels generally have long, medium, and short stories. In recent years, a novel that is shorter and more elaborate than the short story has become popular in the society. It has shorter space, fewer characters, simpler plots, and generally fewer than one thousand words. It often only intercepts a small life