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PCR technique was used for amplifying THP gene in an unknown vector with primer AFP1 and AFP2.Then THP gene was ligated to pGEM T-Vector to be the plasmid pGTHP4.The plasmid pCAMBIA1301 was digested with restriction enzyme BstEⅡ and NcoⅠ,and digestion product was separated with 1% of agarose gel,then big fragment containing promoter was isolated and purified with the Agarose Gel DNA Extraction Kit.At the same way,the plasmid pGTHP4 was digested with restriction enzyme BstZⅠ and NcoⅠ,and the small fragment containing THP gene was purified from 1% agarose gel with the Agarose Gel DNA Extraction Kit.The big fragment and the small fragment were ligated at Nco Ⅰ digested cohesive-end.The ligation product was re-ligated to be cyclic plsmid by addition to a specific adapter,resulting in the pCTH823,a expression vectorof V.volvacea. PCR technique was used for amplifying THP gene in an unknown vector with primer AFP1 and AFP2.Then THP gene was ligated to pGEM T-Vector to be the plasmid pGTHP4. Plasmid pCAMBIA1301 was digested with restriction enzyme BstEII and NcoI, and digestion product was separated with 1% of agarose gel, then big fragment containing promoter was isolated and purified with the Agarose Gel DNA Extraction Kit. At the same way, the plasmid pGTHP4 was digested with restriction enzyme BstZI and NcoI, and the small fragment containing THP gene was purified from 1% agarose gel with the Agarose Gel DNA Extraction Kit. The big fragment and the small fragments were ligated at Nco I digested cohesive-end. ligation product was re-ligated to be cyclic plsmid by addition to a specific adapter, resulting in the pCTH823, a expression vector of V. volvacea.
目的 调查围手术期乳腺癌患者配偶的生存质量及心理应激水平,并分析其生存质量与心理应激的相关性.方法 采用自制的一般资料问卷、WHO生存质量测定简表(WHOQOL-BREF)和亲属应
目的 探讨康惠尔透明贴治疗丹毒的临床效果.方法 将44例丹毒患者按随机数字表法随机分成观察组(n=22)和对照组(n=22).观察组用康惠尔透明贴,对照组用50%硫酸镁湿敷于患处,比较
目的 探讨综合护理干预对老年体位性低血压的防控效果.方法 对334例老年男性进行问卷调查,根据是否发生体位性低血压将其分为体位性低血压组和非体位性低血压组,比较两组患者
为了充分利用贵州高海拔山区夏秋气候凉爽、蔬菜虫害较少、环境不污染或污染小的优势 ,生产秋淡市场需求量较大的无公害四季豆 ,近年来我们在大方、毕节、龙里等县 (市 )高海
实测 2 39株凹叶厚朴样木的胸径和材积 ,采用遗传算法、三次设计法和改进单纯形法等拟合一元材积方程并与对数线性化最小二乘法进行比较。结果表明 :采用遗传算法、三次设计
在已建立的单跨架空索道多荷重状态下的悬链线算法数学模型的基础上 ,采用 Turbo C编程 ,能进行单跨架空索道在单荷重或多荷重状态下的承载索设计计算 ,对索道侧型进行验算和