Performance evaluation of half-duplex relay-based opportunistic cooperation diversity

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duobao
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Cooperative diversity is proposed as a means to improve the wireless transmission performance, which can effectively combat the wireless fading through sharing the antennas between source and relay nodes. In this paper, considering the practicability, we investigate the use of half-duplex relay, rather than full-duplex relay, for the opportunistic cooperation diversity. Two combining methods, namely selection diversity combining (SDC) and maximum ratio combining (MRC), are utilized for the implementation of the half-duplex relay-based opportunistic cooperation. Closed-form expressions of outage probability are derived for the proposed oppor- tunistic cooperation as well as the known deterministic cooperation over Rayleigh fading channels. Numerical results show that the opportunistic cooperation is superior to the traditional deterministic cooperation in terms of outage probability and, moreover, the MRC-based case outperforms the SDC-based case no matter which duplex mode relay (i.e., half-duplex and full-duplex) is used for the opportunistic cooperation. Cooperative diversity is proposed as a means to improve the wireless transmission performance, which can effectively combat the wireless fading through sharing the antennas between source and relay nodes. In this paper, considering the practicability, we investigate the use of half-duplex relay, rather than full-duplex relay, for the opportunistic cooperation diversity. Two-coupled methods, namely selection diversity combining (SDC) and maximum ratio combining (MRC), are utilized for the implementation of the half-duplex relay-based opportunistic cooperation. expressions of outage probability are derived for the proposed oppor- tunistic cooperation as well as the known deterministic cooperation over Rayleigh fading channels. Numerical results show that the opportunistic cooperation is superior to the traditional deterministic cooperation in terms of outage probability and, moreover, the MRC -based case outperforms the SDC-based case no matter which duplex mode relay (ie, half-duplex and full-duplex) is used for the opportunistic cooperation.
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