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People wait at the site of a clinic explosion in Tehran on June 30 as search for victims continued. At least 19 people were killed


Prime Minister Boris Johnson announces a£5-billion ($6.2-billion) plan to fuel economic recovery in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak during a speech in Dudley on June 30


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc attends the 36th ASEAN Summit in Hanoi on June 26. The virtual meeting focused on COVID-19 response, post-pandemic recovery and further cooperation with partners


Students queue up to wash their hands before entering the classroom at a primary school in Dar es Salaam on June 29. Primary and secondary schools in Tanzania reopened on June 27 following COVID-19 closure since May 17


Tourists visit the Grand Place in Brussels on June 28. The EU reopened its borders to 14 nations on July 1 but not to U.S. tourists


Micheal Martin leaves the Convention Centre Dublin after he was elected prime minister at a special meeting of the lower house of parliament in Dublin on June 27
The way in which China and Arab coun- tries are supporting each other during the global fight against the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic provides an excellent example of why the old ada
According to the Book of Rites, one of the fi ve Confucian classics, the growing social chaos during China’s Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.) that put the goal of establishing a datong society—
Volunteers of the Third China International Import Expo (CIIE) take their oath at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai on October 18.  Over 4,800 people were sworn in as volunteer
After bidding farewell to fishing, Zhao Zelun now spends more time on his farm and his newly renovated guesthouse on Zhongba Island in Chongqing Municipality in southwest China.  For nearly three deca
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson made it a key slogan during the campaign for Brexit in 2016 that the most important thing was for Britain as a sovereign nation to “take back control.” Part of tha
The U.S. demanded on July 21 that China close its consulate general in Houston, with its law enforcement offi cers forcing entry into the premises of the Chinese mission later. China expressed firm op
JIN LIQUN REELECTED PRESIDENT OF AIIB  Jin Liqun has been elected to a second term as president of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) by the bank’s board of governors during its fi fth an
Among the 160,000 titles on display at a recently launched e-library, Xi Jinping: The Governance of China Volume III is one of the most searched for.  The virtual library aims to provide a new platfor
Goods are loaded onto a passenger plane at the Zhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province in north China, on August 4.  The expanded airport, one of the key supporting infrastructure
Mike Pompeo is the embodiment of a fi ne U.S. diplomat. Eloquent speaker and West Point graduate. Army veteran and former top intelligence offi cer. Family man and devout church-goer.  The way he skil