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为了研究水泥及微量固化剂对黄土路基强度及水稳性的影响,选择3个水泥掺量(6%、7%和8%)和4种固化剂(M1、M2、M3和M4),测试3个水泥掺量下黄土的7 d无侧限抗压强度,在8%的水泥掺量下分别加入0.2%和2%的4种固化剂,测试其7 d无侧限抗压强度、渗水系数K20和30 min冲刷量,并结合分别加入4种微量固化剂的黄土试件微观形貌图,分析固化剂改善水泥稳定黄土的机理。结果表明,水泥稳定能大幅提高黄土强度;4种固化剂成份体系不同,对水泥稳定黄土的主要作用机制也不同,主要包括离子交换作用、火山灰作用、化学反应生成Friede晶体改善作用和膨胀填充作用;固化剂类型对土壤有一定的适应性,不同土壤类型需要有选择的使用固化剂类型;各类固化剂改善黄土方式并不只是通过单一作用,而是主要机制不同的多种作用复合发生;对黄土的改善途径主要是通过提高土体颗粒粘聚性或生成更多、更强的水化产物提高强度或填充孔隙提高密实性。 In order to study the effect of cement and trace curing agent on the strength and water stability of loess subgrade, three cement dosage (6%, 7% and 8%) and four kinds of curing agent (M1, M2, M3 and M4) The unconfined compressive strength of loess at 3 cement loadings for 7 d was studied. Four kinds of curing agents, 0.2% and 2%, were added at 8% cement loading respectively. The unconfined compressive strength at 7 days, Coefficient K20 and 30 min flushing amount, and combined with micro-topographs of loess samples with four trace hardeners respectively, the mechanism of curing agent to improve cement-stabilized loess was analyzed. The results show that the stability of cement can greatly improve the strength of loess. The main components of the four kinds of curing agent are different, and the main mechanism of action is different for cement-stabilized loess, including ion exchange, volcanic ash and Friede crystals generated by chemical reaction. ; Curing agent type has certain adaptability to soil and different soil types require selective use of curing agent type; various types of curing agent to improve loess way not only through a single role, but the main mechanism of a variety of different effects of complex occurrence; The main means to improve the loess is through increasing soil particle cohesion or generate more and more hydration products to enhance the strength or fill the pores to improve the density.
[目的]探讨护理干预对女性功能性消化不良病人心理障碍的影响.[方法]选用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和抑郁自评量表 (SDS)评定280例女性病人治疗前后情绪状况,制订相应护理对策,一对一