
来源 :现代节能 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guizi663
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本文介绍了高速钢快速软化退火的三种方法。这些方法具有节能、高效、周期短、成本低等特点。 This article describes three methods for rapid softening annealing of HSS. These methods are energy-saving, efficient, short cycle, low cost and so on.
国家统计局日前称,1996年中国国民经济保持快速、稳定增长,“软着陆”基本成功。全年国内生产总值达67800亿元。 1996年主要农产品供求偏紧状况进一步得到改善,粮食总产量再
Although the observed progress in the cardiovascular disease treatment, the incidence of new and recurrent coronary artery disease remains elevated and constitu
1 病例特点  ①患儿 ,女 ,3岁 ;②双下肢非凹陷性浮肿 ,2个月前有不明原因浮肿史 ;③腹痛、齿龈出血 ,无鼻出血、便血、尿血 ,无关节肿痛 ;④平素易反复呼吸道感染 ;⑤精
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In this paper,the lattice model is presented,incorporating not only site information about preceding cars but also relative currents in front.We derive the stab