Difference in full-filled time and its controlling factors in the Central Canyon of the Qiongdongnan

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanqingnan
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Based on the interpretation of high resolution 2D/3D seismic data,sedimentary filling characteristics and fullfilled time of the Central Canyon in different segments in the Qiongdongnan Basin of northwestern South China Sea have been studied.The research results indicate that the initial formation age of the Central Canyon is traced back to 11.6 Ma(T40),at which the canyon began to develop due to the scouring of turbidity currents from west to east.During the period of 11.6–8.2 Ma(T40–T31),strong downcutting by gravity flow occurred,which led to the formation of the canyon.The canyon fillings began to form since 8.2 Ma(T31) and were dominated by turbidite deposits,which constituted of lateral migration and vertical superposition of turbidity channels during the time of8.2–5.5 Ma.The interbeds of turbidity currents deposits and mass transport deposits(MTDs) were developed in the period of 5.5–3.8 Ma(T30–T28).After then,the canyon fillings were primarily made up of large scale MTDs,interrupted by small scale turbidity channels and thin pelagic mudstones.The Central Canyon can be divided into three types according to the main controlling factors,geomorphology-controlled,fault-controlled and intrusionmodified canyons.Among them,the geomorphology-controlled canyon is developed at the Ledong,Lingshui,Songnan and western Baodao Depressions,situated in a confined basin center between the northern slope and the South Uplift Belt along the Central Depression Belt.The fault-controlled canyon is developed mainly along the deep-seated faults in the Changchang Depression and eastern Baodao Depression.Intrusion-modified canyon is only occurred in the Songnan Low Uplift,which is still mainly controlled by geomorphology,the intrusion just modified seabed morphology.The full-filled time of the Central Canyon differs from west to east,displaying a tendency of being successively late eastward.The geomorphology-controlled canyon was completely filled before3.8 Ma(T28),but that in intrusion-modified canyon was delayed to 2.4 Ma(T27) because of the uplifted southern canyon wall.To the Changchang Depression,the complete filling time was successively late eastward,and the canyon in eastern Changchang Depression is still not fully filled up to today.Difference in full-filled time in the Central Canyon is mainly governed by multiple sediment supplies and regional tectonic activities.Due to sufficient supply of turbidity currents and MTDs from west and north respectively,western segment of the Central Canyon is entirely filled up earlier.Owing to slower sediment supply rate,together with differential subsidence by deep-seated faults,the full-filled time of the canyon is put off eastwards gradually. Based on the interpretation of high resolution 2D / 3D seismic data, sedimentary filling characteristics and fullfilled time of the Central Canyon in different segments in the Qiongdongnan Basin of northwestern South China Sea have been studied. Research results indicate that the initial formation age of the Central Canyon is traced back to 11.6 Ma (T40) at which the canyon began to develop due to the scouring of turbidity currents from west to east. During the period of 11.6-8.2 Ma (T40-T31), strong downcutting by gravity flow occurred, which led to the formation of the canyon. The canyon fillings began to form since 8.2 Ma (T31) and were dominated by turbidite deposits, which made of lateral migration and vertical superposition of turbidity channels during the time of 8.2-5.5 Ma The interbeds of turbidity currents deposits and mass transport deposits (MTDs) were developed in the period of 5.5-3.8 Ma (T30-T28) .After then, the canyon fillings were primarily made up of large scale MTDs, interrupted by small scale turbidity channels and thin pelagic mudstones. The Central Canyon can be divided into three types according to the main controlling factors, geomorphology-controlled, fault-controlled and intrusion modified canyons. Ammong them, the geomorphology-controlled canyon is developed at the Ledong, Lingshui, Songnan and western Baodao Depressions, situated in a confined basin center between the northern slope and the South Uplift Belt along the Central Depression Belt. The fault-controlled canyon is developed mainly along the deep-seated faults in the Changchang Depression and eastern Baodao Depression. Intrusion-modified canyon is only occurring in the Songnan Low Uplift, which is still mainly controlled by geomorphology, the intrusion just modified seabed morphology. The full-filled time of the Central Canyon differs from west to east, displaying a tendency of being succeeded late eastward. The geomorphology-controlled canyon was completely filled before 3.8 Ma (T28), but that that in intrusion-modified canyon was delayed to 2.4 Ma (T27) because of the uplifted southern canyon wall. To the Changchang Depression, the complete filling time was was late lateward, and the canyon in eastern Changchang Depression is still not fully filled up to today. Difference in full-filled time in the Central Canyon is mainly governed by multiple sediment supplies and regional tectonic activities. Due to sufficient supply of turbidity currents and MTDs from west and north respectively, western segment of the Central Canyon is entirely filled up earlier. to slower sediment supply rate, together with differential subsidence by deep-seated faults, the full-filled time of the canyon is put off eastwards gradually.
研究背景:  糖尿病足溃疡(Diabetic foot ulcer,DFU)是糖尿病引起的严重并发症之一。据统计住院人数占糖尿病住院总人数的12.4%,每年的截肢患者中约50%发生于糖尿病足溃疡患者,是
期刊名称:《美术》国内统一连续出版物号:CN11-1311/J国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN1003-1774电话:010-65003278(编辑部) 010-65952481(发行部)传真:010-65911170邮发代号:2-170
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