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位于鄂西北大山区的房县,有人口近50万,劳动人口42万,每年有2000余名下岗职工需要再就业。房县劳动就业管理局以因地制宜、量力而行、先易后难、依法有情、不出问题、不留隐患为总要求开展下岗职工再就业工作,使大量下岗职工通过再就业出了中心,少数转入失业保险,做到适时引导,确保了当地的社会稳定,多年来,没有一起下岗职工因不满再就业而上访、闹事的现象发生。图为就业局工作人员积极为下岗职工解答各种再就业方面的政策、方针。 Fang County, located in the northwest mountainous area of ​​Hubei Province, has a population of nearly 500,000 and a labor force of 420,000. More than 2,000 laid-off workers need re-employment every year. Housing and County Labor and Employment Administration to suit one's measures to local conditions, depending on local conditions, the first easy to hard, according to the law of love, no problems, leaving no hidden danger for the general requirements laid off workers to re-employment, so that a large number of laid-off workers through re-employment out of the center, It has been transferred to unemployment insurance so that it can guide it in a timely manner to ensure social stability in the area. Over the years, there have been no complaints of laid-off workers who petitioned for dissatisfaction with reemployment. The photo shows the staff of the Employment Bureau to actively answer the various re-employment policies and guidelines for laid-off workers.
在中学政治中进行研究性学习,对教师是一种全新的挑战,其核心问题就是要求教师的教学观念和教学角色要发生根本的转变。 Researching learning in middle school politics i
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新世纪的钟声已敲响。值此我国全面进入小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化进程之际,作为对新世纪最良好的祝愿,共和国的部长们结合实际描绘了一幅幅动人的发展前景。 The be
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