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当古典音乐流泻而出的一刹那间,你可以清楚地看到,在空气中流动的是高山、是流水、是丝竹、是冬雪,是千古的生命,那份说不出、道不尽的感动,这就是中国古典音乐之美。中国自古就是一个器乐艺术十分发达的国家,乐器按照各自使用的物质材料分为八种类别:金,石,土,革,丝,木,匏,竹,称为“八音”。乐器分为四类:吹,拉,弹,唱。表演方式主要包括两个方面, When the classical music flows out of the moment, you can clearly see that in the air is flowing mountains, water, silk, winter snow, is the eternal life, that unspeakable, indescribable Touched, this is the beauty of Chinese classical music. China has always been a country where the art of instrumental music is very developed. Musical instruments are classified into eight categories according to their respective material materials: gold, stone, soil, leather, silk, wood, bamboo and bamboo. Musical instruments are divided into four categories: blowing, pulling, playing, singing. Performance methods mainly include two aspects,
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