加强文化市场法制建设 培育良好市场环境

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近年来,在一手抓繁荣,一手抓管理方针指导下,文化市场建设取得了很大的成绩,其中文化市场的法制建设工作功不可没。但是,随着科学技术产业化速度的加快,新兴文化娱乐活动的不断增多,在文化市场繁荣的背后,也出现了一些意想不到的问题。而且,由于我国关于文化市场的理论研究工作相对滞后,实际经验不足,管理力度不够,特别是文化市场管理的法制化、规范化速度较慢,立法层次低,因而远远不能适应文化市场健康有序发展的要求。为了进一步推动文化市场的法制建设,加快文化市场立法工作的进程,积极培育和完善文化市场,文化部于1997年12月18日向各省、自治区、直辖市下发了《文化部关于印发<’98全国文化市场法制年工作方案>的通知》,将1998年确 In recent years, under the guidance of one-hand prosperity and one-management policy, great achievements have been made in the construction of a cultural market. The legal construction work in the cultural market has contributed to this. However, with the acceleration of the industrialization of science and technology and the increasing number of emerging cultural and entertainment activities, unexpected problems have emerged behind the prosperity of the cultural market. Moreover, due to the relatively lagging behind of theoretical research on cultural market in our country, lack of practical experience and inadequate management, especially the legalization of cultural market management, the slow standardization and the low legislative level, it is far from being able to adapt to the healthy and orderly cultural market Development requirements. In order to further promote the legal system construction in the cultural market, speed up the process of legislative work in the cultural market and actively cultivate and improve the cultural market, the Ministry of Culture issued the document of the Ministry of Culture on Printing and Distributing the National ’98 on December 18, 1997, to all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. Cultural market legal year work program “notice” will be 1998 indeed
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