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靖远县北湾乡金山村有一位带领群众靠科技致富奔小康的科技推广尖兵。多年来,他引进、示范、推广了多种新科技新技术,在家乡的土地上结出了丰硕成果,使家乡的群众丰衣足食。他就是全国劳动模范、靖远县北湾乡金山村支部书记、村主任高振华。金山村位于黄河岸边,有4551人,耕地面积3930亩,人均0.86亩,土地肥沃,灌溉方便,发展蔬菜、林果、渔业等条件十分优越。但在1990年以前,农民只在田地里种粮食,间或栽几棵果树,根本不种菜,自家吃菜也花钱买,群众生活非常拮据。刚担任村主任的高振华觉得凭着金山村优越的自然条件,应该调整种植结构,引进科技,尽快致富。1991年,高振华有幸参加了国务院举办的“三西”培训班。通过学习,他的思路更加开阔了。他在心中谋划着全村的致富方案:以示范推广先进实用技 Jinshan County, North Bay Township, Jingyuan County, a leading science and technology to promote the masses to rely on well-to-do technology promotion vanguard. Over the years, he has introduced, demonstrated and popularized many new technologies and new technologies, and has made fruitful achievements in the land of his hometown so that the people in his hometown will be well-fed. He is the national model worker, Jingyuan County North Bay Township Jinshancun branch secretary, village director Gao Zhenhua. Jinshan Village is located on the bank of the Yellow River, with 4,551 people. The cultivated land area is 3930 mu with 0.86 mu per capita. The land is fertile and the irrigation is convenient. The development of vegetables, fruits and fisheries is very advantageous. However, before 1990, the peasants only planted grain in the fields, planted a few fruit trees between them, did not grow vegetables at all, they also bought food for themselves and the living conditions of the masses were very tight. Gao Zhenhua, who just assumed the post of director of the village, believes that with the excellent natural conditions of Jinshan Village, it should adjust the planting structure, introduce technology and get rich as soon as possible. In 1991, Gao Zhenhua was fortunate enough to attend the “Three Wests” training class organized by the State Council. Through learning, his thinking has been more open. In his mind, he plans to make the village rich plan: to demonstrate the promotion of advanced practical skills
A facile total synthetic route to (±)-nimbonone and (±)-12-ethyl-13-methoxy- 8,11,13-podocarpatriene was developed. The Wittig reaction of cyclocitral with (