Polar Vortex Response to Pacific Ocean Warming and Its Additive Nonlinearity with the Indian Ocean

来源 :Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:assembly2010
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A previous modeling study about Pacific Ocean warming derived polar vortex response signals, by subtracting those in the Indian Ocean warming experiments from those in the Indo-Pacific. This approach questions the resemblance of such an indirectly derived response to one directly forced by Pacific Ocean warming. This is relevant to the additive nonlinearity of atmospheric responses to separated Indian and Pacific Ocean forcing. In the present study, an additional set of ensemble experiments are performed by prescribing isolated SST forcing in the tropical Pacific Ocean to address this issue. The results suggest a qualitative resemblance between responses in the derived and additional experiments. Thus, previous findings about the impact of Indian and Pacific Ocean warming are robust. This study has important implications for future climate change projections, considering the non-unanimous warming rates in tropical oceans in the 21st century. Nevertheless, a comparison of present direct-forced experiments with previous indirect-forced experiments suggests a significant additive nonlinearity between the Indian and Pacific Ocean warmings. Further diagnosis suggests that the nonlinearity may originate from the thermodynamic processes over the tropics. A previous modeling study about Pacific Ocean warming derived polar vortex response signals, by subtracting those in the Indian Ocean warming experiments from those in the Indo-Pacific. This approach questions such resemblance of such indirectly derived response to to directly forced by Pacific Ocean warming . This is relevant to the additive nonlinearity of atmospheric responses to separated Indian and Pacific Ocean forcing. In the present study, an additional set of ensemble experiments are performed by prescribing isolated SST forcing in the tropical Pacific Ocean to address this issue. The results suggest a qualitative resemblance between responses in the derived and additional experiments. Thus, previous findings about the impact of Indian and Pacific Ocean warming are robust. This study has important implications for future climate change projections, considering the non-unanimous warming rates in tropical oceans in the 21st century. Nevertheless, a comparison of present direct -forced experiments with previous indirect-forced experiments suggests a significant additive nonlinearity between the Indian and Pacific Ocean warmings. Further diagnosis suggests that the nonlinearity may originate from the thermodynamic processes over the tropics.
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摘要: 建筑业是我国的支柱产业,其重要性不言而喻。随着我国市场经济的不断完善,市场竞争力日益增大,建筑施工单位面临着很大的挑战。在此背景下,进一步完善建筑施工技术是非常有必要的。本文通过对房屋结构设计进行论述,以分析建筑结构设计优化方法应用的必要性。  关键词:建筑结构设计、优化方法、房屋结构设计  中图分类号: TU8文献标识码: A  前言:建筑作为固体艺术,是美观与结构以及设计共同作用的结果
【摘 要】随着建筑电气智能化技术的迅速发展,房地产业作为国民经济的支柱行业,也如雨后春笋般迅猛发展,但同时,各种各样的建筑质量问题,尤其是建筑电气的质量问题也频频发生。在整个建筑工程项目中建筑电气工程虽然不是主体工程,但在建设工程中的复杂程度和投资比重却越来越大。为了提高房屋建设的总体质量,就必须保证建筑电气工程的施工质量。建筑电气工程,对于一个建设工程的使用功能、竣工后运行的安全可靠程度、投资效
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