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“营改增”结构性税制改革是我国“二五”十期间一项重大经济改革措施,对我国税务乃至经济的发展产生了积极的影响。伴随着“营改增”试点的全面推广,其涉及的产业类别和税种也日渐增多,对企业的影响也日益加深。铁路运输业作为交通运输业的一部分,更是国民经济发展的重要支撑,“营改增”之后,铁路运输业也是面临机遇和挑战的境况,需要进行探讨其所受影响的机理和当前在减负方面的问题。因此,本文将总结梳理“营改增”后给铁路运输企业税负和利润两大主要发展方面的影响,并在背景的基础上,规划税收筹划,并且提出减税和提高经济效益的思路,为合理的进行税务筹划,有效规避税务风险,促进铁路运输企业尤其是中小型铁路运输企业的利润可持续增长,最终为促进我国整个铁路运输业的发展提供有价值的参考。 The structural tax reform is a major economic reform measure during the period of “25” and “10” in our country, and has a positive impact on the taxation and even economic development in our country. With the comprehensive promotion of the pilot program of “Camp Improvement”, the types of industries and tax types involved are also increasing, and the impact on the enterprises is deepening. As part of the transportation industry, the railway transport industry is also an important support for the development of the national economy. After the operation of the “VAT reform”, the railway transport industry is also faced with opportunities and challenges and needs to explore the mechanism of its impact and the current In reducing the burden of the problem. Therefore, this article will summarize the impact of tax reform and tax increase on the two major developmental aspects of tax burden and profit for railway transport enterprises, and on the basis of background, plan tax planning and propose tax cuts and economic benefits To rational tax planning, effectively evade tax risks and promote the sustainable growth of profits of railway transport enterprises, especially small and medium-sized railway transport enterprises, and ultimately provide valuable reference for promoting the development of China’s entire railway transport industry.
摘 要:根据渣选车间所处理的转炉渣与闪速炉渣混和物料,围绕提高混合渣选矿指标,我们从磨矿细度、药剂优化、浮选浓度及流程结构优化等方面进行试验研究,使该车间在生产中达到了设计指标,并稳定了该炉渣选矿指标。  关键词:选矿;混合渣;工艺矿物学;选矿指标;铜精矿  1. 引言  江西某冶炼厂渣选车间系统设计所处理的是转炉渣与闪速炉渣混和物料,其选矿工艺流程的选择、工艺参数的确定以及主要设备的选型都是参考
China’s GDP growth leveled off at 7 percent in the first half of this year, with an array of optimistic signs, such as better structure, improved growth quality, faster-thanexpected job creation and a
【摘要】:随着我国高等教育体制改革的深入,高职院校资本运作规模增大,高职院校经济活动呈现多样化和复杂化趋势,如何进一步加强高职院校财务管理成为目前高职院校亟需解决的重要问题。本文分析了高职院校财务管理存在的问题及其原因,提出了强化高职院棱财务管理的设想。  【关键词】:高职院校;财务管理;探索与思考    我国的高职教育在近年得到了高速的发展,随着教育体制改革的深入,高职院校资本运作规模增大,高职