
来源 :高等学校化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzcko22
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A technology for obtaining microlayered composite materials of Cu-Zr-Y-Mo, Cu-Zr-Y-Cr, Cu-Zr-Y-W and Cu-Zr-Y-C systems by means of high-speed electron-beam evap
Atmospheric particulate matter is a critical factor for many regional urban areas of Umbria (Central Italy region). During 2013 the monitoring air quality netwo
Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) is emerging as a powerful technique in the extraction of metal ions. In the present study, the extraction of nitrates of ur
<正> 就局扇通风来说,一般其全风压供风量都远大于局扇的吸风量,这就要求我们构筑调节风门来控制全风压风量的供给,以做到合理供风,但通风设施的构筑必然影响局扇的工作工况,
<正> 在矿井突出煤层巷道掘进中,为了有效地防止煤与瓦斯突出,掘进前要施工超前钻孔,对瓦斯进行排放。由于煤层硬度较小(一般 f<2),特别是对于急倾斜突出煤层,煤层中的瓦斯含
A quantum-chemical study of the mechanism of transesterification reaction carried out in the traditional and supercritical fluid (SCF) conditions has been perfo
<正> 一、问题的提出我矿-322m 北4232B_(11a)南北两工作面是开采谢三矿的工业广场煤柱,为了更快更完善地回采工业广场煤柱,经研究决定,需将位于三矿工业广场中央的主、副立
This work describes an alternative method based on GC/MS technique with SCAN-ion approach for speciation of hydrocarbons contained in soil gas matrices and samp
In the paper “Supercritical Fluid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (SFC-MS) and MALDI-TOF-MS of Heterocyclic Compounds with Trivalent and Pentavalent Nitrogen