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美国《生活》杂志自1936年创刊以来,以新闻摄影的方式记录了从二次世界大战到20世纪50至70年代重大的历史事件。1990年初始,约翰·洛恩加德几乎找到所有健在的《生活》杂志摄影师,对他们进行电视采访。这是这些大师们首次面对摄像机讲述自己的亲身经历。本刊摘选系列访谈中的第一篇(文有删节),其主人公艾尔弗雷德·艾森斯塔特曾被称为新闻摄影之父,当时已是93岁高龄。 Since its founding in 1936, Life magazine has taken photographs of major historic events from World War II to the 1950s and 1970s in the form of news photography. From the beginning of 1990, John Londengarde found almost all the alive magazine photographers and conducted television interviews with them. This is the first time these masters face the camera about their personal experiences. The first excerpt from this series of interviews (abridged), whose protagonist Alfred Eisenstadt was once known as the father of photojournalism, was 93 years old.