Sketching the development course of Chinese culture

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  In 2013, eight volumes of Chinese Culture Development History with Mr. Gong Shuduo, a lifetime professor of the School of History of Beijing Normal University as the editor-in-chief were published by Shandong Education Press. As a national publishing fund prograru and the latest masterpiece in Chinese culture research field, this series is of remarkable professional significance to researchers and learners regarding Chinese culture history. It is endowed with the following characteristics:
  I Professional writers with profound academic background
  The editor-in-chief Mr. Gong Shuduo is a noted expert in Chinese culture research. This series of books is the final academic writing authorized by Mr. Gong before he passed away. Each volume is written by the famous scholars specialized in this field. The whole series gathers excellent scholars of many famous scientific research institutions and universities, such as Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Renmin University of China and Shandong University. As this series is completed by various writers, each volume has its own characteristics in perspective, material, structure and expression technique. However, on the whole all volumes share a uniform writing style and achieve fairness in argument and elaboration in expounding.
  II Rich content and distinctive characteristics
  Chinese Culture Development History is a general history book which conducts a comprehensive and systematical research on synchronous material civilization and spiritual civilization during China's thousands of years of history, and interactive promotion of times culture, regional culture, ethnic culture and Chinese and Western cultures. In a wide and unique view, the writers review cultural achievements of different historical periods, give a comprehensive understanding on colorful ethnic cultures and traditions and present outstanding characteristics of times culture in various aspects as well as show their respect to foreign cultures in different times. All eight volumes involve in ten aspects regarding cultural history, namely social culture, regional culture, thought transition, academic evolvement, education and culture, hierarchical culture, religious culture, science and technology, cultural exchange and cultural radiation, literature and art. They strive to reveal the inner motivation and general rules of Chinese culture development through fundamental sorting and study of Chinese culture development history. In the meantime, this series also attaches importance on conclusion of culture development in different stages, thus manifesting the cultural mainstream in each historical period and highlighting features of cultural development in different historical periods. Based on the features of different historical periods, each volume lists several hot issues about culture and has an in-depth discussion on multi-cultural origin and convergence, domination of economy, cultural collision and fusion, open culture on grand-unified basis, Neo-Confucianism and its culture type, collision and fusion of Chinese and Western cultures, rising of new culture, choice for modern culture, etc. For example, the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties is complied according to the aforesaid ten aspects in terms of its structure. Each chapter is centered on such hot issues as "culture collision and fusion" in that period, giving a comprehensive presentation on the "complex and changeable" culture in the great transformation era for Chinese history. This era witnesses the reestablishment of Chinese society from collapse and the rebirth of Chinese ancient culture. Scholars brought themselves back from distress and confusion rising from collapse of traditional value system, struggling to find a path forward in uproarious criticism. They absorbed a deluge of cultural nutrients, constructing a future society in a rational view. As a result, innovative development and breakthrough sprung out in education, science and literature. Historiography was independent from study of Confucian classics; architecture tended to pursue uniqueness and nature. Such new tendency and achievements are all exquisitely expounded in this volume, which fully shows us the limitless charm of this cultural transformation era that changed the Qin and Han culture and started off the Sui and Tang culture.
  III Referring to the history and enlightening the future
  Today, in the face of globalization in the 21st century, we need to learn from traditional culture. Just as what Mr. Mao Peiqi, the editor-in-chief of the Ming and Qing Dynasties said, "When looking back to the past success and glory as well as endless twists and turns, we will more understand what we should insist on in the future." This series of books is helpful to scholars' understanding and analysis on the relation between Chinese traditional culture and modern civilization and to the improvement of cultural innovation.
  Slowly unfolding the scroll of Chinese culture development, you will see a world of rich connotation and unique charm. That's the anticipated new academic work before you.
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