The New Oil Rush

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  In the Caofeidian port area of Tangshan,Hebei Province, a long road stretcheseastward to Bohai Bay. At the end ofthe road is a man-made island covering26 hectares.
One of China’s long-held ambitions is to produce its own largeaircraft. Now, after the plan was formally approved by theState Council in mid-March, this dream could become a realitybefore 2020.
Attracted by China’s huge potentialin the media market, the world’sleading magazine groups are flood-ing in to get a share of the massivereadership and the increasingspending power of consumers.
The privately owned NanpingYongfeng Textile Co. Ltd.(Yongfeng) has many accolades forthe Fujian Technology and ProjectFain.
As Sarkozy took over the reins ofFrance, increasing attention hasbeen focused on the possibleadjustments he will make regard-ing France’s relations with othermajor world powers.
Four years after Saddam Hussein’sadministration was tom down, thesecurity issue remains a chronic ill-ness for Iraq, which is torturing boththe Iraqi and U.S. governments.
The past two years have been a gold-en time for Web 2.0 concept com-panies.
At the beginning of 2007, China’smost popular magazine Reader, orDu Zhe, launched a website, a mile-stone of development for the leisuremagazine that has been breakingrecords throughout its 26 years o
Since the 1990s, a growing number ofeconomic, institutional and political instru-ments have been introduced to deal with theenvironmental issue, including climatechange.
The Eco Balancing Act  Taking a relaxing tour of nationalparks, immersed in a wild anduntamed natural landscape, is apleasant but normal experience formost Americans.
The Chinese Government issued the11th Five-Year Plan (2006-10) forEthnic Minorities Affairs in lateMarch, 2007, the first of its kindsince the founding of the People’sRepublic in 1949.