
来源 :黑龙江农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:houhao88
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前言目前,对水稻延迟型冷害的主要发生时期和植株形态及叶片内在营养物质变化等问题尚不明确。为此,在1982~1984年研究明确了不同时期的不同昼夜温对抽穗期、出叶速度和主茎叶片数的影响基础上,1985~1986年进一步研究明确了不同时期不同昼夜温与水稻叶色变化,体内营养物质变化的关系。 Preface At present, the main problems such as the main period of occurrence of delayed chilling injury and plant morphology as well as the change of nutrients inside leaves are not clear. Therefore, from 1982 to 1984, the study clarified the effects of different diurnal temperature and day temperature on the heading date, the leaf speed and the number of main leaves in different periods. From 1985 to 1986, further studies identified different day-night temperature and rice Leaf color changes, changes in body nutrients.
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