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20世纪30年代中期,日本帝国主义侵略的加剧和全国抗日救亡运动的高涨促使国民政府内外政策逐步发生变化。对外方面,同苏联的关系有所改善,对日本态度趋于强硬;对内方面,国民政府在仍然坚持“剿共”政策的同时,乘中苏接近之机也打算利用抗日的旗帜同共产党谈判,以便“政治解决”中共问题。1936年初,蒋介石派驻苏大使馆武官邓文仪同中共驻共产国际代表团领导人王明直接进行会谈。这一时期国共两党的秘密接触和谈判因种种原因未能取得积极的成果,但对以后抗日民族统一战线的形成起到了铺垫作用。俄罗斯国家社会政治史档案馆、俄罗斯科学院远东研究所和柏林自由大学东亚研讨会,在2003年编辑出版的《联共(布)、共产国际与中国:联共(布)、共产国际与中国苏维埃运动(1931—1937)》文件集第四卷下册①中,公布了1936年1月17日、22日和23日王明同邓文仪三次会谈的记录,以下三份文件均译自上述文件集。 In the mid 1930s, the aggravation of Japanese imperialist aggression and the rise of the national anti-Japanese national salvation movement led to the gradual change of the internal and external policies of the Kuomintang government. On the foreign front, the relations with the Soviet Union have improved and the attitude towards Japan has tended to be tougher. On the domestic front, the KMT government still insists on the “suppression of the communist” policy and at the same time the plane of opportunity to approach China and the Soviet Union plans to use the anti-Japanese banner to negotiate with the Communist Party In order to “politically solve” the CCP issue. In early 1936, Deng Wenyi, military commander with Chiang Kai-shek’s presence in the Soviet Union, held talks directly with Wang Ming, leader of the CPC delegation to the Comintern. The secret contacts and negotiations between the KMT and the CPC during this period failed to achieve positive results due to various reasons, but they played a role in forming the anti-Japanese national united front in the future. Russian National Society of Social and Political History Archives, Far East Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences and Berlin Free University East Asia Symposium, edited and published in 2003, "the Communist Party (cloth), Comintern and China: the Communist Party (Bu), the Comintern and the Chinese Soviet (1931-1937), vol. IV, vol. 1, published the records of the three meetings held between Wang Ming and Deng Wenyi on January 17, 22 and 23, January 1936, and the following three documents were translated from the above document set.
<正> 5月6日早上8时整,记者打开电视,联上互联网,和本市170万中小学生一起,走进空中课堂,开始了非常时期的网络学习。这是京城罕见的名师讲堂。第二实验小学校长李烈等近20位