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随着我国经济发展方式转变、产业结构调整、技术革新步伐加快,劳动力供求不匹配的结构性矛盾越来越突出。面对严峻的形势,国家教育部今年初提出,今后普通高等院校1200所学校中,将有50%的学校转型为职业教育。与此同时,政府对中、高职教育投入不断加大,使得技工教育自身发展优势逐渐消失,技工院校生存和转型发展迫在眉睫。因此,如何顺应我国经济发展方式转变和产业结构调整的要求,主动贴近企业、服务发展、促进就业,成为技工 With the transformation of China’s economic development mode, the adjustment of industrial structure and the acceleration of technological innovation, structural contradictions in the supply and demand of labor force have become increasingly prominent. Facing the severe situation, the Ministry of Education proposed earlier this year that 50% of the 1,200 schools in ordinary higher education will be transformed into vocational education in the future. At the same time, the government’s investment in secondary and higher vocational education continues to increase, making the advantage of technical education gradually disappear, and the survival and transformation of mechanotechnical colleges and universities are imminent. Therefore, how to comply with the requirements of the transformation of the economic development mode and the adjustment of industrial structure in our country, take the initiative to approach the enterprises, serve the development, promote the employment, and become the mechanics
Enukuania huxleyi is marine nanoplanktonic alga with calcify scale called coccolith om its cell surface.This ubiquitous species with the Lafgest biomass in mari
周剑雄:前寒武纪基底岩石中锆石的成因矿物学的微区分析方法研究 中国地质科学院矿床地质研究所业渝光:沉积物中石英氧空位浓度的地质计时意义及机理研究 地质矿产部海洋地质
美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的研究人员近日开发出一种创新的晶圆等级(wafer-seale)剥离(1ift-off)工艺,能在可重复使用的硅晶圆上制作纳米线电路,然后将之移植到任
1 Geology Yuxi silver Deposit is located at mountain area of Tuzileike Salt 152 Km south to the Hami in XinjiangAutonomous Region. The ore is of the medium siz