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要能在测试环境中,准确而快速地判断特定语句、语段、段落等语言单位所运用的修辞格,一方面,平素要牢固掌握各种修辞格知识,经常接触和分析修辞格例句例文,逐渐形成较强的修辞格判断能力;另一方面,也要掌握一些在测试环境中判断修辞格的方法.一般说来,测试环境中的修辞格判断,大致有三种情况即三种题型:①供给辞格选择肢让考生判断其辞格,可叫选择性判断;②供给辞格既成判断让考生判断其正误,可叫是非性判断;③明确辞格运用范围让考生自主判断其辞格,可叫自主性判断.如果你面临着选择性判断,那么,必须事先对每个选择肢进行分析,联系引文的内容实际,进行 To be able to accurately and quickly determine the rhetorical devices used by language units such as specific sentences, phrases, and paragraphs in a test environment, on the one hand, it is necessary to firmly grasp various rhetorical device knowledge, and often to contact and analyze example texts of rhetorical devices. Gradually forming a strong rhetorical judgement ability; on the other hand, we must also master some methods of judging rhetorical figures in the test environment. Generally speaking, in the rhetorical judgments in the test environment, there are roughly three kinds of situations: 1 Providing resignation to choose limbs to allow candidates to judge their resignation can be called selective judgment; 2 supply resignation to make judgments to allow candidates to judge their correctness, can be called non-sex judgment; 3 clear retribution to allow candidates to determine the resignation , can be called autonomous judgment. If you are faced with selective judgment, then you must analyze each of the selected limbs in advance and contact the actual content of the citation.
前列腺肉瘤十分少见,约占前列腺恶性肿瘤的0.1%①,恶性间叶瘤更为罕见。现报告一例如下: 患者男性,19岁,主诉为无痛性肉眼血尿3个月,尿中常有血块,有时出现排尿不畅,曾发生
用Phenyl—Sepharose 4B柱自牛脑与人脑中提取钙调素,与甲基化牛血清白蛋白混合免疫家兔,获得兔抗钙调素抗体,以其建立了特异性高的ELISA竞争法,定量测定精子钙调素含量。不
一、选择题 1.设a+b+c+d+e=8,a~2+b~2+c~2+d~2+e~2=16,则e的最大值是( )。 (A)1; (B)2; (C)12/5; (D)16/5 2.已知复数z_1,Z_2,Z_3在复平面上的对应点分别为Z_1,Z_2,Z_3,且|Z
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