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党的十三届三中全会确定了“治理经济环境、整顿经济秩序、全面深化改革”的指导方针,并指出治理、整顿实质上是一次调整,不仅要把过大的社会总需求压缩下来,而且要进行结构调整,改善和增加有效供给,逐步实现社会供需总量和结构的大体平衡。从调整的要求来说,凡对人比生活所需的短线产品,市场适销又有利于组织货币回笼的耐用消费品;对出口创汇产品;对开发本国优势资源及资源综合利用,有利于缓解原材料短缺矛盾的工业产品;对节省能源和原材料的产品,高技术产品,以及对今后发展有重要影响的产品;对消耗低、经济效益好、换汇成本低、巾场有影响的名牌产品的生产,都应支持和发展。相反,对 The Third Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China set forth the guidelines for “governing the economic environment, rectifying the economic order and deepening the reform in an all-round manner” and pointed out that governing and rectifying are in essence a readjustment, not only to compress the excessive aggregate social demand, Moreover, it is necessary to carry out structural adjustment, improve and increase effective supply, and gradually achieve the general balance between aggregate supply and demand of society and structure. From the requirements of adjustment, people who live longer than the short-lived products needed in their daily lives are more likely to sell their durable consumer goods, which are more marketable and organize the return of money. Export-oriented foreign exchange products, exploitation of advantageous resources and comprehensive utilization of resources are conducive to alleviating the shortage of raw materials Contradictory industrial products; products that save energy and raw materials, high-tech products, and products that have an important impact on the future development; the production of brand-name products that have low consumption, good economic returns, low exchange rates, Should support and develop. On the contrary, yes
鲜姜为姜科植物姜Z ing iber off icina le R osc.的新鲜根茎,作为药用已有悠久的历史。近年来有研究报道鲜姜具有抗炎[1]、抗氧化[2]、降低胆固醇、抗动脉粥样硬化等作用[3
南县河口乡农科村老农潭立生,在一丘群众称为纹枯病“病窝子”的稻田,施用稻脚青毒土后,基本上控制了病害的发生。最近几年,全县普遍推广使用稻脚青毒土法防治纹枯病。 稻脚
落叶松褐锈病[Triphragmiopsis larici-num (chou) Tai]是落叶松人工林和苗圃的重要病害,在辽宁、吉林、黑龙江等地广为流行,给生产上造成了严重的损失。 Triphragmiopsis
第1期水稻叶鞘腐败病的研究1.病原菌的致病性及发病的影响因子············…… ..............................……,.....····..······……诸葛根樟