依据《说明》内容 搞好语文复习

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这里所说的《说明》,是指1994年国家教委考试中心经过修订,正式颁发的普通高校统一招生考试《语文科说明》(以下简称《说明》)。 为什么要依据《说明》内容进行复习? 一是因为《说明》的内容,是依据《全日制中学语文教学大纲》(修订本)对语文教学的各项目标和要求拟定的,并且贯彻了中央关于“两史一情”教育和在语文教学中加强思想政治教育的精神;对考试的性质、原则、题型、结构,以及各部分内容的比分,都作了明文的规定,可以看作是命题和应试准备的《大纲》。 二是因为《说明》选择了一定数量的例题,这些例题都是历年高考语文试题的精华,并且提供了样卷,使复习的水 The “Explanation” mentioned here refers to the revised “University Explanatory Note” (hereinafter referred to as “Explanation”) issued by the National Education Commission Examination Center in 1994 after being revised and formally issued. Why do we need to review according to the contents of the “Explanation”? First, because the contents of the “Explanation” are based on the objectives and requirements of the Chinese language teaching in the “Full-time Middle School Chinese Syllabus” (Revised Edition), and the Central Government’s The “two history and one emotion” education and the strengthening of the spirit of ideological and political education in the Chinese language teaching; both the nature, principles, types of questions, and the structure of the examination, as well as the scores of all parts of the content, have been explicitly stipulated and can be regarded as propositions. And “outline” prepared for examination. The second reason is that the “Explanation” has selected a certain number of examples. These examples are the essence of the Chinese language examination papers in the college entrance examinations over the years, and provide sample files to make the review of the water.
毕业卷 一、填空囊(每空3分,共60分) 1.在阳光下立杆见影,这现象说明——. 2.一束光线垂直入射到平面镜上,反射角为: ;若入射角增大10。,则反射光线与入射光线的夹角为——.
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毕业卷 可能用到的原子量:H…1、c~12、N_-14、Al一27、0~16、K一39、Ca一40、C卜一35.5、C旷一64、Fe一56、Zn一65 一、选择囊(共30分,每小题2分)每小题只有一个正确答案,请将
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