
来源 :江苏农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Mike_sun
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世界上有较多的国家在60~70年代期间就基本上实现了农业机械化,由于各国的国情不同,其机械化程度及动力机具的配套选型也不尽相同。总的趋势是随着工农业生产的发展,经济力量的增强,农业机械化发展的速度和程度不断提高,机械动力和经营规模不断增大。苏南地区是我省乃至全国比较发达的经济地区,对农业机械化的要求也愈加迫切,但是这一地区在农业机械化的发展中,除了一些共性的要求外,又具有下述几个特点需要考虑:1.家庭承包土地规模较小,如苏州、无锡、常州、镇江等市,户均耕地仅3.4—4.6亩,低于全省5.1亩的水平;2.粮食生产基础水平较高,而近几年出现了徘徊局面,如苏州市1976年麦作单产高于全 In the 1960s and 1970s, more countries in the world basically realized the mechanization of agriculture. Due to the different national conditions in different countries, the degree of mechanization and the matching of power tools were also different. The general trend is that with the development of industrial and agricultural production and the enhancement of economic power, the speed and degree of the development of agricultural mechanization have been constantly improved, and the mechanical power and the scale of operation have been constantly increasing. Sunan region is a relatively developed economy in our province and even in China. The requirements for agricultural mechanization are also becoming more and more urgent. However, in the development of agricultural mechanization in this region, in addition to some common requirements, it has the following characteristics to be considered : 1. The family contracted land is small in scale, with only 3.4-4.6 mu of arable land per household being cultivated in cities such as Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou and Zhenjiang, which is lower than the level of 5.1 mu in the province; 2. The basic level of food production is relatively high, A few years there has been a hovering situation, such as wheat in Suzhou in 1976 higher than the whole yield
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1979年前苏联的一家细菌武器研究所发生“痈”泄漏,导致62人死亡。这《不堪回首的一幕》比切尔诺贝利核事故有过之而无不及,而且将贻害人类未来。 In 1979, a “Lebanon” l
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