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地壳和上地幔中存在的电性各向异性是地电模型、地下结构和构造模型间一个重要的联系因素.近年来,它引起了广泛的关注,推动了对电性各向异性结构模型和反演理论新方法的研究.本文在Marquardt反演理论的基础上,引入权因子对其改进后用于大地电磁视电阻率和阻抗相位联合反演,通过具体算例的分析,验证了理论的正确性;此外,对西北某地大地电磁实测资料处理解释,说明了程序的实用性并为今后研究深部电性构造提供了一种新的方法和途径. The electrical anisotropy existing in the crust and the upper mantle is an important factor in the relationship between the geoelectric model, the subsurface structure and the tectonic model. In recent years, it has attracted a great deal of attention and has promoted the research on the structural model of electrical anisotropy Based on the Marquardt inversion theory, this paper introduces a weighting factor to improve the method for the joint inversion of the apparent magnetoptic resistivity and the impedance phase of the magnetotelluric. Based on the analysis of specific examples, Correctness. In addition, the interpretation of the measured data of the magnetotelluric in a certain place in the northwestern part of China illustrates the practicability of the program and provides a new method and method for the study of deep electrical structure in the future.
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