各自治州、市人民政府,各地区行署,各县(自治县、市、市辖区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构: 省地矿厅编制的《2000年贵州省部分地区汛期地质灾害防灾预案》,对全省66处有较大地质灾害隐患点进行了预测预报,提出了防治措施。经省人民政府同意,现转发给你们,请结合当地实际,认真组织实施。各灾害隐患点所在县(市、区)人民政府,要明确一位领导同志具体负责,组织力量加强监测预报工作,落实必要的经费,制定以人员紧急避险和财产转移为主要内容的防灾
All autonomous prefectures and municipal people’s governments, regional administrative offices, people’s governments of all counties (autonomous counties, cities, municipal districts and special economic zones) and departments and agencies under the provincial government directly under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Bureau of Minerals and Mines: “Flood Geology in Selected Areas of Guizhou Province in 2000 Disaster prevention plan ”, the province has a greater risk of geological hazards in the prediction of the site of 66, put forward prevention and control measures. With the consent of the provincial people’s government, I hereby forward it to you. Please conscientiously organize and implement it in light of the actual conditions in the area. The county (city, district) people’s government where the disaster points are located must make clear that a leading comrade has specific responsibility, organize the efforts to strengthen the monitoring and forecasting work, implement the necessary funds and formulate disaster prevention with emergency rescue and property transfer as the main content