
来源 :工会博览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gongzi2009
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在2016年全国“两会”上,来自全国各地工会岗位上的代表、委员,以对国家、对职工群众高度负责的精神,积极参政议政,为职工利益建言献策,积极为职工群众合法权益鼓与呼,发出了工会最强、最美、最亮的声音,令人为之一振,备受广大职工群众的关注。而今,全国“两会”在圆满完成各项议程和任务后,在京胜利闭幕,但工会的“好声音”犹在耳畔。据全总资料显示,从全国政协会议看,2015年工会界委员提交40余件提案建议,做到了件件有回复。今年“两会”上,工会界委员收集提案建议50余件,经筛选整理后,共有3份作为大会书面发言,30余份作为正式提案建议。这其中,既包含有“国企职工安置方案必须经职代会审议通 In 2016, during the ”two sessions“ of the whole country, representatives and commissioners from trade union posts throughout the country actively participated in the deliberation and administration of state affairs and offered their opinions and advice to workers’ interests in an active and responsible manner toward the state and the masses of workers, Drums and calls, issued the strongest union, the most beautiful, the brightest voice, it is shocking, much of the masses of workers concern. Now that the ”two sessions“ of the entire country have successfully concluded all the agendas and tasks in the country, the ”“ sound ”of the trade unions still remains in our ears. According to the information provided by the general public, from the perspective of the CPPCC National Committee, more than 40 proposals were submitted by the trade union members in 2015, so that there was a reply to the pieces. On this year’s “two sessions,” members of the trade union collected proposals for more than 50 proposals. After screening and sorting, a total of 3 articles were written in the General Assembly and more than 30 proposals were put forward as formal proposals. Among these, both contain "state-owned enterprise staff resettlement program must pass the Congress to consider
早晨,五年级小学生陆文虎站在新村路口等着他的同学丁毅。丁毅急急跑来了,说: “我妈妈病了,病得很厉害。我爸爸又一早到书报亭卖报去了。”“那怎么办?要不我帮你去请个假
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阳光笼罩着青山绿水,那一个个露出清澈湖面的山头,仿佛蒸笼上的包子,小巧而别致。一艘游船平静地行驶在群岛之间。 The sun shrouded in the green mountains and rivers,
我羡慕凯文。哥哥凯文以为上帝就住在他的床下。至少有天晚上我曾经听他这么说过。他在那间黑暗的卧室内大声祈祷着,我停下脚步听了听。 I envy Kevin. Brother Kevin thoug
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