锡林郭勒盟林业局 兴林富民 科学发展 建设绿色家园

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近年来,锡林郭勒盟林业局在各级党委、政府的正确领导和自治区林业厅的指导下,广大林业干部职工团结一心、真抓实干、探索创新,紧紧围绕“减畜、增绿、转人、增收”目标,全力履行职能职责,促进了全盟生态改善和农牧民增收。林业生态建设成绩显著。京津风沙源治理工程实施十多年来,全盟林业生态建设平均每年以100万亩以上建设规模推 In recent years, under the guidance of the correct leadership of party committees and governments at all levels and the forestry department of the autonomous region, the Forestry Bureau of Xilinguole League has unite as one of the cadres and workers of the vast number of forestry cadres, earnestly practicing, exploring and innovating, and focusing on the principle of “reducing livestock, increasing green and turning People, income increase ”goal, fully perform their functions and responsibilities, and promote all-round ecological improvement and income increase of farmers and herdsmen. Significant achievements in forestry ecological construction. Beijing and Tianjin sandstorm source management project for more than a decade, alliance forestry ecological construction an average of more than 100 acres per year to push the construction scale
本文利用“八·五”短临预报的地震学攻关成果来分析福建地区的几个震例,检验其在福建地区的适用情况。 In this paper, we use the short-term forecast of the “August 5
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