来源 :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liupingxiu
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Polyphenol film deposited on platinum foil can continuously grow with time during the electrolysis of a phenolsolution consisting of 0. 1 mol L~(-1) phenol, 3 mol L~(-1) NaOH and 0.5 mol L~(-1) Na_2SO_4, as has been proved by the methods ofsweep potential, constant potential and constant current, and visible spectra during the electrolysis of phenol. A polyphenolfilm with thickness of 0.11 mm was obtained by the electrolysis of phenol at a constant potential of 0.70 V (versus Ag/AClwith saturated KCl solution). Polyphenol film is inactive and stable in 2 mol L~(-1) H_2SO_4 solution, neutral solution and3 mol L~(-1) NaOH solution and in the potential range between -0.95 and 1.35 V. The usable potential range is dependent onthe pH value. Polyphenol has an ESR signal with a g factor of 2.0049. The conductivity of polyphenol is 1.2×10~(-4) S cm~(-1). Inthe solution of polyphenol dissolved in DMSO, the mobility of polyphenol anions is 8×10~(-9) m~2 s~(-1) V~(-1) at 20℃. Polyphenol film deposited on platinum foil can continuously grow with time during the electrolysis of a phenolsolution consisting of 0.1 mol L -1 phenol, 3 mol L -1 NaOH and 0.5 mol L -1 Na_2SO_4 , as has been proven by the methods of potential potential, constant potential and constant current, and visible spectra during the electrolysis of phenol. A polyphenolfililm with thickness of 0.11 mm was obtained by the electrolysis of phenol at a constant potential of 0.70 V (versus Ag / AClwith saturated KCl solution). Polyphenol film was inactive and stable in 2 mol L -1 H 2 SO 4 solution, neutral solution and 3 mol L -1 NaOH solution and in the potential range between -0.95 and 1.35 V. The Polyphenol has an ESR signal with ag factor of 2.0049. The conductivity of polyphenol is 1.2 × 10 -4 S cm -1. Inthe solution of polyphenol dissolved in DMSO, the mobility of polyphenol anions is 8 × 10 ~ (-9) m ~ 2 s ~ (-1) V ~ (-1) at 20 ℃.
[本刊讯] 2001年2月8日,纪念省统计学会成立二十周年座谈会在哈召开,来自省统计局、地市统计局、大专院校及企业的三十多位代表参加座谈,省统计局局长、省统计学会会长贺全宾同
作为一种国际政治斗争的工具 ,贸易管制在美国外交史上的出现由来已久。第二次世界大战之前 ,美国政府实行的贸易管制大致有三种类型 :对直接交战国的贸易禁运 ,如一八一二年