
来源 :大众电影 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w198911154
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画面中的群山,纹丝不动,忽然远处一列火车徐徐开来,在山迥路转中,火车悠然地盘旋着,并离我们越来越近…… 这是我记忆中的第一部电影。那神秘的静谧与火车进入画面后的蠕动,形成一种奇妙的对比。我迷恋着这一切。从此常常缠着父母.要他们带我去看电影。当时父亲是交通建设方面的总工程师,常率领 Pictures of the mountains, motionless, suddenly a train in the distance slowly opened up, turn in the mountains, the train leisurely hovering, and getting closer and closer to us ... ... This is my first film in memory. That mysterious silence and the train into the picture after the movement, forming a wonderful contrast. I’m obsessed with all this. From time to time, my parents were entangled, asking them to take me to the movies. At that time my father was the chief engineer in traffic construction and often led
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A very tall ninth grader was acting up(捣蛋) in class.rnHis teacher told him,“Act your age, not your shoe size.”rnThe boy looked down at his size 14 shoes and
1.前言为应付急剧增长的陆地移动通信频率的需用量,已提出了好几种窄带通信方式的方案,特别是窄带 FM 方式,近年来进行了讨论研究。在1976年的 CCIR 中间会议上,提出了概要
  Morphology-transport relationships are a key feature of chromatographic separation processes, which are still under investigation.In order to quantify the c
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美国著名演技派明星罗伯特·德尼罗在20年前曾拍《出租汽车司机》,饰一个平凡小人物,突然成了谋刺总统的疯子。20年后,他又在新片《球迷》《The Fan》里再饰一个原本生活平
  Most current reports, investigating the potential of mixed-mode phases in HPLC, describe stationary phases containing both hydrophobic and anionic groups [1