
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tzmming123321
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of fecal incontinence (FI) and associated risk factors in a broad age range of community-dwelling women. Study design: This was a population-based, age-stratified postal survey of 6000 women aged 30 to 90 years enrolled in a large HMO in Washington State. Sample was linked to longitudinal automated medical data. FI was defined as loss of liquid or solid stool at least monthly. Results: The response rate was 64% . The prevalence of FI was 7.2% ; prevalence increased notably with age. Women with FI reported significant lifestyle alteration and functional disability. Older age (adjusted odds ratio [OR]- 2.11- 2.22), major depression (OR 2.73), urinary incontinence (OR 2.32), medical comorbidity (OR 1.76- 2.58), and operative vaginal delivery (OR 1.52) were significantly associated with increased odds of FI. Conclusion: In this large report of US community-dwelling women, FI was a prevalent condition. Age, major depression, urinary incontinence, medical illness, and operative vaginal delivery were strongly associated with likelihood of FI. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of fecal incontinence (FI) and associated risk factors in a broad age range of community-dwelling women. Study design: This was a population-based, age-stratified postal survey of 6000 Sample was linked to longitudinal automated medical data. FI was defined as loss of liquid or solid stool at least monthly. Results: The response rate was 64%. The prevalence of Women with FI reported significant lifestyle alterations and functional disability. Older age (adjusted odds ratio [OR] - 2.11-2.22), major depression (OR 2.73), urinary incontinence (OR 2.32) , medical comorbidity (OR 1.76-2.58), and operative vaginal delivery (OR 1.52) were significantly associated with increased odds of FI. Conclusion: In this large report of US community-dwelling women, FI was a prevalent condition. Age, major depressio n, urinary incontinence, medical illness, and operative vaginal delivery were strongly associated with likelihood of FI.
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